Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus

by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

These foundational principles were written with the intention of delineating how to be a faithful, healthy, charitable, and truthful disciple of Jesus. Each one is intended to be understood in relationship with the other principles from the perspective of our life of faith as each bead in a decade of the rosary is to be prayed in relationship to the other beads from the perspective of a mystery of faith. Practicing them is like putting “on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10-11)

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus: Preface

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 1
Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 2
Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 3

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 4

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 5

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 6

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 7

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 8

Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 9
Foundational Principles of a Disciple of Jesus - Chapter 10


“Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, has produced quite a grand opus in his collection of works on Marian Devotion, Catholic Church History, East and South East Asian History, Catholic Apologetics, Protology and the Priesthood, Western Civilization, Political Science, and now foundational principles on discipleship. Each of his books provides wisdom for the beginner and clarity for the educated.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Fr. Peter S. Kucer, MSA, STD is President-Rector at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He received degrees from Middlebury College, Holy Apostles College and Seminary, the Dominican House of Studies, and the Catholic University of America. He is intent on putting his educational background at the service of the New Evangelization promoted by the recent popes.


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