Why Be An Atheist If???

by Sebastian Mahfood and Ronda Chervin

  • Who is an atheist? A person who is convinced that there is no God.
  • Who is an agnostic? A person who thinks there is no way to know if there is a God or there is not a God.
  • Who is a doubter? Usually a person raised to think there is a God who is not sure if that is true.
  • Who is a seeker? A person who is open to belief in any reality that others present as truly real.
  • Who is a theist? A person who is convinced that there is a God.

Why Be An Atheist If??? is an adaptation of Catholic Realism put together primarily for atheists but also offering many answers for agnostics, doubters, and seekers.

Paperback $14.95 paperback | Kindle $9.99




Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background. She has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut. Eighty-five books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. She is a dedicated widow and grandmother. Her many books include Quotable Saints, Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of AgingCatholic Realism and Voyage to Insight.

Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, is a Lay Dominican of the Queen of the Holy Rosary chapter in the Province of St. Albert the Great. Dr. Mahfood holds a master’s in comparative literature from the University of Texas at Arlington, a master’s in philosophy and a master’s in theology from Holy Apostles College & Seminary, a master’s in educational technology and a master’s in business administration from Webster University, and a doctorate in postcolonial literature and theory from Saint Louis University. His many other books include Catholic Realism, Among the Marvelous Things, Missionary Priests in the Homeland, The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Radical Eschatologies.


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