The Host of Gethsemane: Eucharistic Hospitality in the Gethsemane Narratives by Dr. Annabelle Moseley, Th.D.

The Host of Gethsemane: Eucharistic Hospitality in the Gethsemane Narratives by Dr. Annabelle Moseley, Th.D.

The Host of Gethsemane: Eucharistic Hospitality in the Gethsemane Narratives

by Dr. Annabelle Moseley, Th.D.

Discovering the Garden of Gethsemane as an Invitation to Deeper Prayer, Obedience to the Will of God, and Deeper Love of the Eucharist

The Host of Gethsemane is a deeply researched field guide to the profound significance of the Garden of Gethsemane. But it is more. It is a labor not only of study, but of love—a defense of Jesus of Gethsemane in every sense of the word. There have been very few books written which are dedicated entirely to the vitally important subject of Gethsemane… until nowThe Host of Gethsemane remedies this abandonment of Our Lord’s Agony. This is a journey you will be grateful to be part of, as your very readership will contribute to advancing the understanding of Gethsemane as the Sanctuary that it is, in every sense of the word.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Annabelle’s WCAT Radio Shows – “Destination: Sainthood” and “Then Sings My Soul”


Annabelle Moseley is an award-winning American poet, author of nine books, including Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece through Art, Poetry, and Reflections, Our House of the Sacred Heart, and Awake with Christ: Living the Catholic Holy Hour in Your Home, Professor of Theology and host of the Catholic radio shows and podcasts on Sacramental Living: “Then Sings My Soul,” and “Destination: Sainthood — Journey to the Great Cloud of Witnesses,” on WCAT Radio. Moseley’s work as a poet is featured as one of five artists profiled in the 2019 Documentary Film, Masterpieces, about the vocational call of the arts. This film is available to view through Amazon Prime and Formed On Demand (

Moseley has won the titles of Walt Whitman Birthplace Writer in-Residence (2009-2010) and 2014 Long Island Poet of the Year. She teaches at St. Joseph’s College in New York and at St. Joseph’s Seminary (Dunwoodie, NY) where she specializes in the field of Theological Aesthetics with an emphasis on the intersection between theology and literature. Moseley has led various retreats and workshops for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, and is the founder of Desert Bread (, a series of lectures on faith and the arts that concludes with sharing a meal and taking a collection of canned food donations for local food pantries. Moseley is a frequent columnist for the Catholic online magazine, Aleteia.

Born on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Annabelle Moseley was baptized at the Church of St. Louis de Montfort (a saint known for his special devotion to the Rosary). Raised on the North Shore of Long Island, Moseley continues to reside there, grateful for the domestic church she has built with her husband and their children.


On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at Special thanks: In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed...

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Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel "Porque é que o Papa Francisco está sempre a criticar os católicos fiéis?" é uma pergunta frequentemente repetida sempre que o Santo Padre faz uma das suas habituais invectivas contra a rigidez religiosa. De facto,...

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Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy? by Pedro Gabriel “Why is Pope Francis always criticizing faithful Catholics?” is an oft-repeated question whenever the Holy Father makes one of his usual invectives against religious rigidity. Francis has indeed made such...

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Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith by Dr. Michela Beatrice Ferri In translation now from the Italian. Buy it in the original language here: What is the so-called “Contemporary Sacred Art”? In her book, Michela Beatrice Ferri inquires about the...

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Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith by Tonino Vicari This book attempts to make accessible to the average reader the basic elements of Church teaching concerning morality, natural law, and supernatural truths that have been passed down through...

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The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes Mario Ramos-Reyes explains the political schizophrenia of mid-20th century Latin America and the healing process that sought to fill the void between Enlightenment liberalism and the Catholic tradition. The cure...

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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love: Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our...

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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é...

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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological...

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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Madeleine Dobrowski This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or...

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Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm by Francis Etheredge There is a 'difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the...

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Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition by Pedro Gabriel A widespread assertion in Catholic circles today is that one can disregard the teachings of Pope Francis or the Second Vatican Council if they teach something that seems to go against tradition. Is this the case? In this...

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The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas...

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The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and Its Application by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine,...

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Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open...

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Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio: La reforma carmelita de Teresa de Ávila y las ideas de la gestión del cambio Kristina R. Olsen Este libro se basa en los principios de gestión del cambio organizacional para examinar la reforma de la Orden Carmelita de Teresa de Ávila en el...

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The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist: More Voices from the Twentieth Century by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book examines some of the major literary voices from the past century who deepened our understanding of the Eucharist by embedding it in their short stories, novels,...

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Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason by Dr. Shalina Stilley Paradox it is at the very heart of the Gospel message. The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Cross and Resurrection, and the problem of evil are but a few examples of paradoxes of faith and reason. How can God be three...

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Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Rise and Fall of the American Empire

A new book from En Route Books and media critically analyzes how the Republic fashioned by the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 has been transformed into a deep Administrative State ruled by non-elected experts.Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Dr. Richard...

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Redeeming Sex: The Battle for the Body by Eduardo Echeverria

Redeeming Sex: The Battle for the Body by Eduardo Echeverria

Redeeming Sex: The Battle for the Body

by Eduardo J. Echeverria

The project of redeeming sex involves the battle for the body, one that is fought on many fronts in this book: the need for a philosophical and theological anthropology on the nature of the human person, particularly the body that has a proper subjectivity encompassing the whole man; the foundation of sexual ethics in a normative creation  order/natural law and its relation to the flourishing of persons and communities, and the cultural and religious  dynamics that contributed to the sexual revolution and the rise of homosexualism, same-sex marriage, and gender ideology. In a wide-ranging discussion of a theology of revelation, doctrinal development, and a perspective on philosophical ethics and moral theology, the sources of Christian ethics are considered, as well as the nature of human experience and judgment, and how a theory of experience grounds a sound epistemology but also a sound metaphysics for Christian ethics.  The author also considers the moral and theological underpinnings of the nature and purpose of pastoral care of individuals in morally and spiritually problematic relationships.

Paperback: $32.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“St. Pope John Paul II preached at his inaugural mass: 22 oct. 1978: ‘Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ. To his saving power open the boundaries of States, economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization and development. Do not be afraid. Christ knows ‘what is in man’. He alone knows it.’ This book does just that: by intellectually bringing Christ in the realm of sexuality, it opens our minds, hearts and bodies for His redeeming power!” + Everard de Jong, auxiliary bishop of Roermond, Netherlands, and apostolic administrator of the Military Ordinariate of Netherlands
“With his customary incisiveness, carefulness, and depth, Eduardo Echeverria has produced an essential study of one of the most neuralgic moral and theological subjects in our time. Current discussions of sex, the body, and human nature have too often descended into sterile polemics and mutual anathemas. Echeverria brings a bracing breath of fresh air to the discussion which, simultaneously, reserves a proper place for justice, truth, and mercy amid many difficult questions.” – Robert Royal, Faith & Reason Institute
“This work by Dr. Echeverria is a testimony to the continued luminosity that can and must be drawn from the pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II regarding truly chaste sexuality and sound Christian anthropology.” – Matthew K. Minerd, Professor of Philosophy and Moral Theology, Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Pittsburgh PA


Eduardo Echeverria (PhD, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam; S.T.L., University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum) is Professor of Philosophy and Systematic Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He is the author of numerous books, including Roman Catholicism and Neo-Calvinism: Ecumenical and Polemical Engagements (2024), Are We Together? A Roman Catholic Analyzes Evangelical Protestants (2022), Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II, 2nd edition (2019), Revelation, History, and Truth: A Hermeneutics of Dogma (2017), and Jesus Christ, Scandal of Particularity: Vatican II, a Catholic Theology of Religions, Justification, and Truth (2024). He is a member of the American ecumenical initiative, Evangelicals and Catholics Together.


On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at Special thanks: In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed...

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Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel "Porque é que o Papa Francisco está sempre a criticar os católicos fiéis?" é uma pergunta frequentemente repetida sempre que o Santo Padre faz uma das suas habituais invectivas contra a rigidez religiosa. De facto,...

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Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy? by Pedro Gabriel “Why is Pope Francis always criticizing faithful Catholics?” is an oft-repeated question whenever the Holy Father makes one of his usual invectives against religious rigidity. Francis has indeed made such...

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Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith by Dr. Michela Beatrice Ferri In translation now from the Italian. Buy it in the original language here: What is the so-called “Contemporary Sacred Art”? In her book, Michela Beatrice Ferri inquires about the...

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Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith by Tonino Vicari This book attempts to make accessible to the average reader the basic elements of Church teaching concerning morality, natural law, and supernatural truths that have been passed down through...

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The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes Mario Ramos-Reyes explains the political schizophrenia of mid-20th century Latin America and the healing process that sought to fill the void between Enlightenment liberalism and the Catholic tradition. The cure...

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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love: Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our...

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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é...

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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological...

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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Madeleine Dobrowski This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or...

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Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm by Francis Etheredge There is a 'difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the...

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Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition by Pedro Gabriel A widespread assertion in Catholic circles today is that one can disregard the teachings of Pope Francis or the Second Vatican Council if they teach something that seems to go against tradition. Is this the case? In this...

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The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas...

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The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and Its Application by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine,...

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Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open...

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Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio: La reforma carmelita de Teresa de Ávila y las ideas de la gestión del cambio Kristina R. Olsen Este libro se basa en los principios de gestión del cambio organizacional para examinar la reforma de la Orden Carmelita de Teresa de Ávila en el...

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The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist: More Voices from the Twentieth Century by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book examines some of the major literary voices from the past century who deepened our understanding of the Eucharist by embedding it in their short stories, novels,...

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Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason by Dr. Shalina Stilley Paradox it is at the very heart of the Gospel message. The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Cross and Resurrection, and the problem of evil are but a few examples of paradoxes of faith and reason. How can God be three...

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Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Rise and Fall of the American Empire

A new book from En Route Books and media critically analyzes how the Republic fashioned by the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 has been transformed into a deep Administrative State ruled by non-elected experts.Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Dr. Richard...

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A Catechesis on Deification, Transfiguration & the Luminous Mysteries by Matthew A. Tsakanikas, STD

A Catechesis on Deification, Transfiguration & the Luminous Mysteries by Matthew A. Tsakanikas, STD

A Catechesis on Deification, Transfiguration & the Luminous Mysteries

by Matthew A. Tsakanikas, STD

This book is a catechetical exploration of Christian deification, deeply rooted in the theological insights of Saint Athanasius and other Church Fathers. The work connects the mysteries of the Rosary with the transformative grace offered through Christ, focusing particularly on the Luminous Mysteries as a lens for understanding humanity’s participation in the divine life.

Central to the book is the concept of deification, described as the process by which humans become “partakers in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). Dr. Matthew A. Tsakanikas emphasizes that deification does not imply losing one’s humanity but rather elevating it through grace, living in God’s will, and growing in love and virtue. Drawing on biblical passages, he demonstrates how the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of Christ make this elevation possible.

The book revisits key moments in salvation history, such as the Transfiguration, where Jesus revealed the glory of divine light to his disciples, and the Eucharist’s institution, portraying these events as glimpses of the divine kingdom. Tsakanikas also explores discipleship in Mary, the Rosary’s role in cultivating divine intimacy, and the unity of Scripture’s Old and New Testaments.

Through theological reflection and practical devotion, Tsakanikas invites readers to embrace their divine calling, entering into Christ’s transformative love.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“Dr. Matthew A. Tsakanikas has written an informative book on Deification.  Those not familiar with Deification, or even those who are familiar with it, will find this short book beneficial.  Quoting the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church, including St. Thomas Aquinas, Tsakanikas uncovers their teaching on the purpose for the Incarnation: “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God” (CCC #460).  “…We might become God” is Deification. What does this almost unbelievable teaching mean? Tsakanikas discloses the keys for understanding Deification by examining the Biblical happenings at Mt. Tabor, Mt. Sinai, and Mt. Zion.  He also uses material from the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.  He writes that we can live out our Deification by following the example of Mother Mary’s discipleship.  The book is well written, logically organized, and spiritually enriching.  Deification is what we are created for.  This book tells us why.” – Most Rev. John M. LeVoir, Bishop Emeritus of New Ulm, author of Covenant of Love, one of the first books promoting John Paul the Great’s Theology of the Body.

“Professor Tsakanikas, throughout his distinguished teaching career, has emphasized the central Christian doctrine of man’s deification. This work has illustrated with clarity the radical transformation of one’s life through the gift of sanctifying grace in the soul, elevating man to the supernatural order. This important work will help rekindle in Christians everywhere a deeper understanding and appreciation of this priceless gift which flows from the open Heart of Christ, thereby enriching one’s prayer and devotional life.” – Timothy O’Donnell, STD, author of Heart of the Redeemer and President-Emeritus Christendom College

“Matthew does a masterful job of illuminating the connections between Mt. Sinai, The Garden of Eden, the Transfiguration, and the Blessed Mother. As usual, Matthew provides us with deep insights into the mysteries of our Faith, insights that all would be wise to ponder.” – Daniel Kuebler, PhD, author of Darwin and Doctrine: The Compatibility of Evolution and Catholicism [coming Aug. 2025]

“Dr. Tsakanikas’ research on deification and the Transfiguration has inspired my own teaching and research for years. This book further inspires by simultaneously articulating the concept of deification through the lens of the Luminous Mysteries of the rosary and illuminating the coherence of the Luminous Mysteries through the theology of deification. At once theological and evangelical, Tsakanikas’ book uses Scripture, analogy, and anecdote to present an accessible account of deification, responding to errors in biblical interpretation and objections that this biblical concept is akin to Mormonism or New Age. Along the way he provides clear accounts of the dynamic between nature and grace, human freedom, and the unity of the Old and New Testament. This text will inspire popular and academic audiences alike.” – Andrew Whitmore, PhD, author of Saintly Habits, Aquinas’ 7 Simple Strategies You Can Use to Grow in Virtue

“This rich but accessible book will help the believer reground their Christian faith in something beyond a religious rationalism or moralism. Through an original synthesis of Scripture, Sacrament, and the Luminous Mysteries, Tsakanikas reminds us anew how the Incarnation of the Eternal Word redeems us by immersion into the eternal glory of love in God himself: deification.” – Conor Sweeney, STD, author of Abiding the Long Defeat: How to Evangelize Like a Hobbit in a Disenchanted Age

“Dr. Tsakanikas guides us in a prayerful study of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary as a way to experience the mystery of the Lord’s Transfiguration as a call to conversion and live fully the promise of our soul’s immortality. In this important work Dr. Tsakanikas explains how our participation in the person and mission of Jesus Christ is central for the Christian. The Lord’s Transfiguration makes possible and witnesses to our identity as Images of God. An important bridging of Eastern and Western theological and spiritual perspectives on our identity as Imago Dei, this work is both approachable for young adults and thought provoking for theological students.” – Mark P. Fusco, S.J., author of The Physics and Metaphysics of Transubstantiation

“God became man, so that man might become God.” These words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church drawn from the deep tradition of Christian experience echo throughout Tsakanikas’ A Catechesis on Deification. Tsakanikas has been writing and teaching on the doctrine of deification for over twenty years. He weaves a biblical narrative moving from Sinai to the Transfiguration to Calvary (upper room, the Eucharist) showing the primary purpose of the liturgy is theosis, or deification, all in the context of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary as a primer for the faithful to understand this core doctrine of the Church.” – Daniel Toma, PhD, author of Vestige of Eden, Image of Eternity

“Whatever one’s level of theological education or none, these reflections on deification and the luminous mysteries of the rosary are rich in theological insights and scriptural exegesis. Moreover, one comes away from this work with one’s faith in the Church and the possibilities for human salvation renewed.” – Professor Tracey Rowland, University of Notre Dame (Australia), author of Ratzinger’s Faith


Dr. Matthew A. Tsakanikas is an evangelist who serves as a professor, chaired departments, and ghost-written for public figures. He’s been at Christendom College since 2015 and taught at Benedictine College previously. His evangelical, pastoral, and theological works appear in Spirit Daily, Catholic World Report, Catholic Exchange, New Advent, Adoremus Bulletin, Crisis Magazine, and Homiletic & Pastoral Review. His academic writings have appeared in top theological peer-reviewed journals including Communio: International Catholic Review. In 2024, his podcast interview by Robert Spitzer’s Magis Center was awarded “Best Single-Podcast” from the Catholic Media Association. He has appeared on EWTN series and done series for the Institute of Catholic Culture. His doctorate was from the Pontifical University of the Lateran’s John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family, Rome.



On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at Special thanks: In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed...

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Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel "Porque é que o Papa Francisco está sempre a criticar os católicos fiéis?" é uma pergunta frequentemente repetida sempre que o Santo Padre faz uma das suas habituais invectivas contra a rigidez religiosa. De facto,...

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Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy? by Pedro Gabriel “Why is Pope Francis always criticizing faithful Catholics?” is an oft-repeated question whenever the Holy Father makes one of his usual invectives against religious rigidity. Francis has indeed made such...

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Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith by Dr. Michela Beatrice Ferri In translation now from the Italian. Buy it in the original language here: What is the so-called “Contemporary Sacred Art”? In her book, Michela Beatrice Ferri inquires about the...

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Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith by Tonino Vicari This book attempts to make accessible to the average reader the basic elements of Church teaching concerning morality, natural law, and supernatural truths that have been passed down through...

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The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes Mario Ramos-Reyes explains the political schizophrenia of mid-20th century Latin America and the healing process that sought to fill the void between Enlightenment liberalism and the Catholic tradition. The cure...

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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love: Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our...

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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é...

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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological...

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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Madeleine Dobrowski This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or...

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Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm by Francis Etheredge There is a 'difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the...

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Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition by Pedro Gabriel A widespread assertion in Catholic circles today is that one can disregard the teachings of Pope Francis or the Second Vatican Council if they teach something that seems to go against tradition. Is this the case? In this...

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The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas...

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The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and Its Application by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine,...

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Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open...

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Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio: La reforma carmelita de Teresa de Ávila y las ideas de la gestión del cambio Kristina R. Olsen Este libro se basa en los principios de gestión del cambio organizacional para examinar la reforma de la Orden Carmelita de Teresa de Ávila en el...

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The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist: More Voices from the Twentieth Century by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book examines some of the major literary voices from the past century who deepened our understanding of the Eucharist by embedding it in their short stories, novels,...

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Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason by Dr. Shalina Stilley Paradox it is at the very heart of the Gospel message. The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Cross and Resurrection, and the problem of evil are but a few examples of paradoxes of faith and reason. How can God be three...

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Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Rise and Fall of the American Empire

A new book from En Route Books and media critically analyzes how the Republic fashioned by the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 has been transformed into a deep Administrative State ruled by non-elected experts.Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Dr. Richard...

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On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at

Special thanks:

In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed the translations against the video interviews. Dr. Michela Ferri is the author of Sacro Contemporaneo, Dialoghi Sull’artecoming soon in English translation from En Route Books & Media.

Personal Blog Posts:

Sr. Lucia and the Seventh Apparition:

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima, Second Edition

by Kevin J. Symonds

For several decades, there has been much discussion on the famous third part of the secret of Fátima. Originally communicated to the three seers of Fátima in July, 1917, it was not written down until January, 1944. It was then kept under lock and key first in Portugal, then in the Vatican until its eventual release in June, 2000. The long years of its remaining unpublished was accompanied by a desire by various Church officials not to discuss the matter. These two facts and others led to much speculation on the content of the third part of the secret as well as to accusations of a cover-up on the part of the Church hierarchy.

The seemingly endless speculations and accusations have been more prominent since the release of the text in the year 2000. To date, there has been no comprehensive refutation of specific arguments in response to the speculations and accusations.

That fact has now changed. Kevin J. Symonds of Menominee, Michigan has performed some groundbreaking research on the matter in his latest book On the Third Part of the Secret of Fátima.

Utilizing material in six foreign languages, including information from the archives of the Sanctuary of Fátima itself, Kevin weighs many of the arguments in support of conspiracy theories on the third part of the secret. He takes the arguments head-on, explores the sources and critiques the conspiracies. Symonds’ findings produce some truly astonishing results that are sure to cause many to re-think their understanding of the message of Our Lady of Fátima.

In these centennial years of Fátima, many of the faithful are renewing their interest in or discovering for the first time the message of Our Lady of Fátima. On the Third Part of the Secret of Fátima is not an introductory book but will be an excellent source for people already familiar with the topic.

Hardback: $29.95 | Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Revisiting the Vision: Alternative Perspectives on the 3rd Part of the Secret of Fátima, Part 2 (June 13, 2021)


Iota Unum Talk 5 in two parts – Joseph Shaw in Conversation with Kevin Symonds (February 18, 2021)

Iota Unum Talk 5 Part 1- Joseph Shaw in Conversation with Kevin Symonds

Iota Unum Talk 5 Part 2- Joseph Shaw in Conversation with Kevin Symonds

Catholic Answers Interview (Aired March 19, 2018) – Fatima’s Secrets in Context | Catholic Answers


“This book by Kevin J. Symonds provides a well-researched and fascinating study of the many questions and controversies concerning the third part of the secret of Fátima. This study includes many new insights gathered from the 2013 biography of Sister Lúcia written by the Carmelite Sisters of Coimbra, Portugal, and further information up through 2023. Symonds treats the critics of the Holy See’s account of the Fátima secret—Fr. Grun- er, Fr. Kramer, Br. François de Marie des Anges, C. Ferrara, A. Socci, et al.— with respect and fairness, even though he does not hesitate to expose the flaws of their scholarship. Symonds’ book also contains some valuable texts in the appendix, such as [. . .] a transcript of the June 26, 2000, Vatican Press Conference on the secret of Fátima. For those wishing an in depth examination of the third part of the Fátima secret—and one not based on suspicion and conspiracy theories—this is the book to read.” —Robert L. Fastiggi, Ph.D. Bishop Kevin M. Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, Michigan, and former President of the Mariological Society of America

In his latest work, On the Third Part of the Secret of Fátima, Kevin J. Symonds offers a valuable contribution to the literature about this aspect of the message given by Our Lady to Lúcia, Francisco and Jacinta one hundred years ago. With so much interest in the Third Part of the Secret (or “The Third Secret,” as some writers employ), our author presents a useful summary and analysis as well as pertinent documents that are not often seen in English. This reviewer is grateful for those sources, the recommendation concerning the Biography of Sister Maria Lúcia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart penned by the Carmelites of Coimbra entitled,  A Pathway Under the Gaze of Mary and Mr. Symonds’ plausible contention and exhortation: “We are entering into a new period of the history of Fáti- ma  and we ought to be celebrating this fact, not engaging in seemingly endless controversies.” —Monsignor Charles M. Mangan, Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland

“Symonds has done a very thorough job in get- ting to the bottom—insofar as it is possible—of the various confusions and conspiracy theories on the subject of the Third Secret, making a compel- ling case that what the Vatican published in 2000 was the whole text of it as written by Sr Lúcia. No doubt the debate will continue, but the clarity and intellectual honesty of Symonds’ work, with copious reference to the relevant sources in their original languages, will be of enormous assistance for scholars in the future who wish to understand this tangled affair.” —Dr. Joseph Shaw, Research Fellow at St. Benet’s Hall, England

“I’m an amateur researcher, working on the subject of Fátima for years now, and Kevin’s book is outstanding. It is the best and up-to-date book on the subject of the secret of Fátima.” – Bernardo Motta, author of O Milagre do Sol

“Many strong devotional Catholics are confused because of conflicting interpretations of the prophecies coming from the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. Since some of these accuse Popes of concealing certain prophecies, we have long felt a need to read a balanced account.  On the Third Secret of Fatima by Kevin J. Symonds, is just what is needed.  Why?  Because in Symonds’ treatise you will find meticulous research, based on writings in many different languages, in a style understandable to the non-theologian.  I highly recommend On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima.– Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., Emerita Professor of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College and Seminary.

In his ground-breaking work, On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima, Kevin Symonds shines the light of his careful research on the most fundamental elements of conspiracy theories that claim the existence of a yet-undisclosed text that is sometimes called the “fourth secret of Fatima,” clarifying “facts” that are not so factual as they seem and offering reasonable explanations in place of unreasonable conjectures. Symonds’ dispassionate and exacting analysis offers a very useful counterbalance to the often hysterical claims of a cover-up regarding the Fatima secret which have distracted many faithful Catholics in their struggle to resist the very real onslaught of neo-modernism in the post-Vatican II Church. This contribution to the literature on Fatima will be welcome to all who are seeking the truth about Sister Lucia de Jesus dos Santos’ “third secret.” —Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Catholic journalist and author and translator of The Book of Gomorrah and St. Peter Damian’s Struggle Against Ecclesiastical Corruption


Kevin Symonds was born and raised in Massachusetts. He attended Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio where he obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Theology with a background in the classical languages. He has worked with the Church’s theology of private revelation since 2002 and has published Internet and magazine articles. He is also the author of Refractions of Light: 201 Answers on Apparitions, Visions and the Catholic Church (En Route Books and Media, 2015) and Pope Leo XIII and the Prayer to St. Michael (Preserving Christian Publications, 2015). He lives in Michigan. For more information or to arrange an interview with Kevin, contact him at: or visit him on his web site:


On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at Special thanks: In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed...

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Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel "Porque é que o Papa Francisco está sempre a criticar os católicos fiéis?" é uma pergunta frequentemente repetida sempre que o Santo Padre faz uma das suas habituais invectivas contra a rigidez religiosa. De facto,...

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Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy? by Pedro Gabriel “Why is Pope Francis always criticizing faithful Catholics?” is an oft-repeated question whenever the Holy Father makes one of his usual invectives against religious rigidity. Francis has indeed made such...

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Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith by Dr. Michela Beatrice Ferri In translation now from the Italian. Buy it in the original language here: What is the so-called “Contemporary Sacred Art”? In her book, Michela Beatrice Ferri inquires about the...

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Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith by Tonino Vicari This book attempts to make accessible to the average reader the basic elements of Church teaching concerning morality, natural law, and supernatural truths that have been passed down through...

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The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes Mario Ramos-Reyes explains the political schizophrenia of mid-20th century Latin America and the healing process that sought to fill the void between Enlightenment liberalism and the Catholic tradition. The cure...

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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love: Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our...

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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é...

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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological...

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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Madeleine Dobrowski This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or...

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Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm by Francis Etheredge There is a 'difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the...

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Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition by Pedro Gabriel A widespread assertion in Catholic circles today is that one can disregard the teachings of Pope Francis or the Second Vatican Council if they teach something that seems to go against tradition. Is this the case? In this...

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The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas...

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The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and Its Application by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine,...

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Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open...

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Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio: La reforma carmelita de Teresa de Ávila y las ideas de la gestión del cambio Kristina R. Olsen Este libro se basa en los principios de gestión del cambio organizacional para examinar la reforma de la Orden Carmelita de Teresa de Ávila en el...

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The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist: More Voices from the Twentieth Century by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book examines some of the major literary voices from the past century who deepened our understanding of the Eucharist by embedding it in their short stories, novels,...

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Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason by Dr. Shalina Stilley Paradox it is at the very heart of the Gospel message. The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Cross and Resurrection, and the problem of evil are but a few examples of paradoxes of faith and reason. How can God be three...

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Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Rise and Fall of the American Empire

A new book from En Route Books and media critically analyzes how the Republic fashioned by the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 has been transformed into a deep Administrative State ruled by non-elected experts.Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Dr. Richard...

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The Rest of the Gospel Story: A Dated Summary of the New Testament Gospels and The Poem of the Man-God in Synthesis by David J. Webster

The Rest of the Gospel Story: A Dated Summary of the New Testament Gospels and The Poem of the Man-God in Synthesis by David J. Webster

The Rest of the Gospel Story: A Dated Summary of the New Testament Gospels and The Poem of the Man-God in Synthesis 

by David J. Webster

The Church distinguishes between “private” revelations, meant for personal faith and discernment, and revelations of public significance, which illuminate the Deposit of Faith but do not introduce new theological truths. The Catechism refers to these as “so-called private revelations,” emphasizing their role in helping the faithful live out their faith during specific historical periods (Catechism §§66–67). While the Magisterium provides guidance, discerning these Heaven-sent messages remains the responsibility of the faithful, reflecting Christ’s words, “My sheep hear My voice.”

Pope Paul VI’s abolition of restrictive canons in 1963 allowed Catholics to freely access, publish, and disseminate reports of such revelations, provided they align with faith and morals. Among these, The Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta stands out. First published in 1947, this work, which Pope Pius XII supported, offers detailed, chronologically accurate accounts of Christ’s life. Despite technical critiques and suppression, it has garnered strong support from clergy and laity.

The Poem aligns with Our Lady’s warnings at Amsterdam (1945) and Akita (1973) about modernism and clergy-led spiritual decay. Its unique chronological precision and spiritual insight enrich the understanding of Gospel events. While the Church hasn’t formally recognized it as divine revelation, it acknowledges its freedom from doctrinal error, leaving its discernment to the faithful. Efforts are ongoing for Maria Valtorta’s beatification, affirming her as a visionary of profound significance.

Paperback: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99


His Holiness Pope Pius XII, February 26,1948 (Osservatore Romano): “Publish this work as it is.  There is no need to give an opinion about its origin, whether it be extraordinary or not.  Who reads it will understand.” 

Msgr. Ugo Lattanzi, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Lateran Pontifical University, advisor to the Holy Office (1951): “The author could not have written such an abundant amount of material without being under the influence of a supernatural power.”

Fr. Gabrielmiles Roschini, professor at “Marianum,” Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Rome, renowned mariologist, author of 130 books, and advisor to the Holy Office (1972): “I must candidly admit that the Mariology found in Maria Valtorta’s writings, whether published or not, has been for me a real discovery.  No other Marian writing, not even the sum total of all the writings I have read and studied, were able to give me as clear, as lively, as complete, as luminous, or as fascinating an image, both simple and sublime, of Mary, God’s masterpiece.” 

Prof. Fabrizio Braccini, University of Palerma (1979): “What constitutes the finish line for others, so to speak, is, on the contrary, Maria Valtorta’s ascetic starting point.”

Dr. Vittorio Tredici, geologist and mineralogist, Italy (1952): “I wish to underline the author’s unexplainably precise knowledge of Palestine in its panoramic, topographical, geological and mineralogical aspects.” 

Fr. Gabriel Allegre, OFM, renowned translator of the Bible into Chinese, Macao/Hong Kong (1970): “The finger of God is here.  As for theological justification of a book as convincing, as charismatic, as extraordinary even from a merely human point of view, as is Maria Valtorta’s Poem of the Man-God, I find it in St. Paul’s first Epistle to the Corinthians 14:6 where he writes, ‘Take me for instance brothers, of what use could I be to you, if I were to come to you speaking in tongues, but without revelation or knowledge, prophecy or doctrine?’” 

H.E. George H. Pearce, S.M., former Archbishop of Suva, Fiji, now active in Providence, Rhode Island (1987): “I first came in contact with the work of Maria Valtorta in 1979 … I find it tremendously inspiring.  It is impossible for me to imagine that anyone could read this tremendous work with an open mind and not be convinced that its author can be no one but the Holy Spirit of God.”

Archbishop Alfonso Carinci, Secretary of the Congregation of the Sacred Rites (1946): “There is nothing therein which is contrary to the Gospel.  Rather this work, a good complement to the Gospel, contributes towards a better understanding of its meaning.”

Fr. Dreyfus, of the French Biblical and Archeological School, Jerusalem (1986): “I was greatly impressed on finding in Maria Valtorta’s work the names of at least six or seven towns which are absent from the Old and New Testaments.  These names are known but to a few specialists . . . . How could she have known these names, if not through the revelations she claims that she had.” 

Fr. Agostino Bea (future Cardinal), Jesuit, rector of the Pontifical Biblical Institute and advisor to the Holy Office (1952): “I have read in typed manuscripts many of the books written by Maria Valtorta . . . As far as exegesis is concerned, I did not find any errors in the parts which I examined.”

Msgr. Pea qua Ia Macchi, Private secretary of Pope Paul VI, to Fr. C.M. Berti, OSM, in an hour-long interview (1963): “When His Holiness (Paul VI) was Archbishop of Milan, he read one of the books of The Poem of the Man-God.  He told me how he appreciated it, and had me send the complete work to the library of the diocesan Seminary.”


David Webster graduated from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis in 1971. He served for eight years as pastor of a central Wisconsin Baptist Church. It was the many mounting questions about his interpretation of the Scriptures and the incredible implications of several revelations given to Catholic visionaries that drove him into seeking out what he came to see as the Catholic faith being the complete body of faith.  His own passionate love for the Scriptures, his training in Biblical Greek and Hebrew, motivated his monumental effort to update the Douay-Rheims, creating the Evangelical Catholic Study Bible which takes head on the massive misinformation and distortions of the modernist editing throughout the New American Catholic Study Bible. The Gospel episodes are also keyed to the Valtorta Gospel revelations    

In addition to this massive Bible project nearly on a full-time basis for nine years, he has also been researching and writing extensively on post-Apostolic revelations to the Church, particularly the revelations given to the Italian mystic Maria Valtorta, which he considers the most important revelation Heaven has ever given to the Church since the close of the Biblical canon. He has compiled both “The Rest of the Gospel Story” and “The Dated Harmony of the Gospels,” the Gospel accounts both in parallel and for the first time in accurate chronological sequence and also keyed back to the Revelations to Maria Valtorta.  

He founded Save Our Church, a group of the faithful to help expose a Chicago branch of Call to Action in his Cleveland Diocese. He has spoken at the Miles Jesu, Path to Rome Conferences in Austria and Phoenix. He has appeared on the Coming home network at EWTN and with Sandy Timco on the Lumin Christi network.

David is married to his wife Cindy, and is the Father of two wonderful daughters, who have all joined the Catholic Church. David and Cindy now have seven grandchildren. 


On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at Special thanks: In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed...

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Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel "Porque é que o Papa Francisco está sempre a criticar os católicos fiéis?" é uma pergunta frequentemente repetida sempre que o Santo Padre faz uma das suas habituais invectivas contra a rigidez religiosa. De facto,...

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Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy? by Pedro Gabriel “Why is Pope Francis always criticizing faithful Catholics?” is an oft-repeated question whenever the Holy Father makes one of his usual invectives against religious rigidity. Francis has indeed made such...

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Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith by Dr. Michela Beatrice Ferri In translation now from the Italian. Buy it in the original language here: What is the so-called “Contemporary Sacred Art”? In her book, Michela Beatrice Ferri inquires about the...

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Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith by Tonino Vicari This book attempts to make accessible to the average reader the basic elements of Church teaching concerning morality, natural law, and supernatural truths that have been passed down through...

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The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes Mario Ramos-Reyes explains the political schizophrenia of mid-20th century Latin America and the healing process that sought to fill the void between Enlightenment liberalism and the Catholic tradition. The cure...

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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love: Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our...

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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é...

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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological...

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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Madeleine Dobrowski This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or...

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Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm by Francis Etheredge There is a 'difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the...

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Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition by Pedro Gabriel A widespread assertion in Catholic circles today is that one can disregard the teachings of Pope Francis or the Second Vatican Council if they teach something that seems to go against tradition. Is this the case? In this...

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The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas...

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The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and Its Application by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine,...

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Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open...

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Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio: La reforma carmelita de Teresa de Ávila y las ideas de la gestión del cambio Kristina R. Olsen Este libro se basa en los principios de gestión del cambio organizacional para examinar la reforma de la Orden Carmelita de Teresa de Ávila en el...

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The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist: More Voices from the Twentieth Century by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book examines some of the major literary voices from the past century who deepened our understanding of the Eucharist by embedding it in their short stories, novels,...

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Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason by Dr. Shalina Stilley Paradox it is at the very heart of the Gospel message. The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Cross and Resurrection, and the problem of evil are but a few examples of paradoxes of faith and reason. How can God be three...

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Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Rise and Fall of the American Empire

A new book from En Route Books and media critically analyzes how the Republic fashioned by the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 has been transformed into a deep Administrative State ruled by non-elected experts.Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Dr. Richard...

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The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels by David J. Webster

The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels by David J. Webster

The Dated Parallel Harmony of the Gospels

by David J. Webster

The Holy Scriptures
Our Divine Family Legacy as the sons of God.
The grand history of human redemption revealed in three great epics:

The Greatest Story ever told, the miraculous origin, deliverance and preservation of Israel the old covenant people of God.

Inquire of the days of old, that have been before your time from the day that God created man upon the earth, ask from one end of heaven to the other end, if there ever was done anything like this, or has been heard of at anytime, that a people would hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of fire, as you have heard, and live!  Or if God ever did before to take to Himself a nation out of the midst of the nations by testings, by signs and wonders, by force and a strong hand, and a stretched out arm, and horrible terrors, yes, according to all the things that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt, before your eyes! Deut 4:32-34

The Greatest Life  ever lived, Jesus Christ the Son of God, head of New Israel, the Church, His miraculous Birth, ministry and redemptive mission.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning The Word of Life. For The Life was manifested, and we have seen and do bear witness, and declare unto you the Life Eternal, Who was with the Father, and has appeared to us. He Who we have seen and have heard we declare unto you that you also may have fellowship with us, and that our fellowship may be with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.  And these things we write to you, that you may rejoice, and that your joy may be full! 1 John 1:1-4

The Greatest Thing ever created, the Church of Jesus Christ, the New Israel, the Body of Christ, the New Jerusalem of the New Covenant people of God.

And I John saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them.  And they shall be His people and God Himself with them shall be their God.  Revelation 21:2-3

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99




David Webster graduated from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis in 1971. He served for eight years as pastor of a central Wisconsin Baptist Church. It was the many mounting questions about his interpretation of the Scriptures and the incredible implications of several revelations given to Catholic visionaries that drove him into seeking out what he came to see as the Catholic faith being the complete body of faith.  His own passionate love for the Scriptures, his training in Biblical Greek and Hebrew, motivated his monumental effort to update the Douay-Rheims, creating the Evangelical Catholic Study Bible which takes head on the massive misinformation and distortions of the modernist editing throughout the New American Catholic Study Bible. The Gospel episodes are also keyed to the Valtorta Gospel revelations    

In addition to this massive Bible project nearly on a full-time basis for nine years, he has also been researching and writing extensively on post-Apostolic revelations to the Church, particularly the revelations given to the Italian mystic Maria Valtorta, which he considers the most important revelation Heaven has ever given to the Church since the close of the Biblical canon. He has compiled both “The Rest of the Gospel Story” and “The Dated Harmony of the Gospels,” the Gospel accounts both in parallel and for the first time in accurate chronological sequence and also keyed back to the Revelations to Maria Valtorta.  

He founded Save Our Church, a group of the faithful to help expose a Chicago branch of Call to Action in his Cleveland Diocese. He has spoken at the Miles Jesu, Path to Rome Conferences in Austria and Phoenix. He has appeared on the Coming home network at EWTN and with Sandy Timco on the Lumin Christi network.

David is married to his wife Cindy, and is the Father of two wonderful daughters, who have all joined the Catholic Church. David and Cindy now have seven grandchildren. 


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