The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Pastoral Mentor by Sr. Marysia Weber, RSM

The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Pastoral Mentor by Sr. Marysia Weber, RSM

The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Pastoral Mentor

by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, MA

This book presents an integral approach to formation during the vocational synthesis stage, weaving together the human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral dimensions of priestly preparation. It is responsive to the Church’s vision articulated in Pastores Dabo Vobis, Ratio Fundamentalis, and the Program of Priestly Formation (6th edition), offering formators a comprehensive framework for accompanying transitional deacons in their final preparation for priesthood. By providing formators with both a synthetic vision of integral formation and practical tools for implementation, it enables mentors to accompany transitional deacons through the vital process of vocational synthesis, helping them integrate their years of formation into a coherent priestly identity. May this work be for God’s glory and the good of His devoted servants.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Chapter 1 introduces the vocational synthesis stage of priestly formation, focusing on the role of the parish pastor as the primary formator (mentor) of transitional deacons. It examines the nature of the formative relationship between mentor and deacon, particularly addressing the crucial distinction between internal and external forum communication. The chapter emphasizes that while respecting the internal forum’s sanctity, meaningful formation requires appropriate transparency and trust in the external forum, allowing mentors to effectively evaluate a deacon’s readiness for priesthood.
Chapter 2 provides a framework for pastoral mentorship in the vocational synthesis stage, focusing on the practical and spiritual aspects of accompanying transitional deacons. Drawing from Church documents and Jesus’s model of formation, it outlines specific guidance for mentors on creating effective formation environments, establishing relationships, and coordinating with parish staff. The chapter bridges theoretical understanding with practical implementation, offering detailed instructions for day-to-day mentoring while maintaining focus on the ultimate goal of preparing deacons for priesthood.
Chapter 3 provides a framework for effective formative dialogue between mentors and transitional deacons. It explores six essential communication skills: reflective listening, open-ended questions, mirroring, summarizing responses, empathy, and affirmation. The chapter addresses the psychological dynamics of ambivalence and resistance in formation meetings and concludes with a detailed practical scenario demonstrating the application of these skills in a realistic mentoring situation.
Chapter 4 examines the crucial dynamics of transference and countertransference in the context of priestly formation and ministry. It distinguishes between therapeutic and pastoral relationships, explores the unique challenges of dual relationships in parish ministry, and provides practical guidelines for managing these psychological dynamics. The chapter emphasizes the distinct nature of priestly ministry compared to therapeutic relationships, particularly focusing on how priests must navigate multiple roles while maintaining appropriate boundaries in pastoral relationships.
Chapter 5 examines the crucial concept of affective maturity in priestly formation, particularly during the vocational synthesis stage. It builds on Saint John Paul II’s theological anthropology, especially his work on Person and Act, to explain how affective maturity develops through the integration of emotions, cognition, and willed actions. The chapter presents a comprehensive framework for understanding affective maturity’s development through three stages: self-knowledge, self-possession, and self-gift. 
Chapter 6 presents the Church’s benchmarks for evaluating process in formation, offering these not merely as assessment tools but as living markers embodying the Church’s understanding of formation as a unified journey of discipleship toward priesthood.  A template is also provided for the mentor’s use when ready to offer a narrative summary of each transitional deacon’s integration of formation.


“This edition of The Art of Accompaniment arrives at a critical moment in the Church’s ongoing renewal of priestly formation. As we implement the vision of the new Ratio Fundamentalis and Program of Priestly Formation (6th edition), formators need both theological depth and practical guidance. Sister Marysia provides a framework that integrates the four dimensions of formation while remaining deeply practical.” – from the Foreword, authored by the Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, Bishop of Crookston

“The art of accompaniment finds its deepest expression in the vocational synthesis stage, where formators are called to guide transitional deacons in becoming shepherds with the smell of the sheep, who are deeply in love with Christ and ready to bring His mercy to His people. Sister Marysia’s work beautifully captures this vision, showing how genuine accompaniment flows from the formator’s own intimate relationship with Christ and commitment to ongoing conversion. Her emphasis on affective maturity as the foundation for authentic pastoral relationships speaks directly to our mission of forming missionary disciples. Drawing especially from Pastores Dabo Vobis, the Ratio Fundamentalis, and Program for Priestly Formation (6th ed.), this work provides formators with both the theological framework and practical tools needed for authentic accompaniment. Having served in seminary formation for many years, I particularly appreciate how Sister Marysia emphasizes the parish as a vital community of formation where pastoral mentors and staff collaborate in forming priests who can serve effectively in our contemporary world. This book will prove invaluable for those entrusted with forming shepherds after the Heart of Christ.” – Bishop David Toups, Bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont, Texas

“In the Gospel of John, we witness St. Andrew’s profound example of leading others to Christ – a model of missionary discipleship that resonates deeply with the vision presented in this edition of The Art of Accompaniment. This masterful work illuminates the sacred journey of vocational synthesis, where the pastoral mentor, like Andrew, helps transitional deacons integrate their friendship with Christ into authentic pastoral charity. Sister Marysia has crafted an invaluable resource that beautifully reflects the Church’s program of formation while offering practical guidance for those charged with forming tomorrow’s priests. The book’s emphasis on integral formation and affective maturity provides concrete tools for helping candidates discover and embrace their priestly identity as spiritual husbands and fathers who will, in turn, lead others to friendship with God.” – Bishop Christopher Cooke, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

“In his great work The Wellspring of Worship, the theologian Fr. Jean Corbon teaches us “that the most fruitful human activity is to receive God.” In her contemporary masterpiece The Art of Accompaniment, Sr. Marysia Weber, R.S.M., shows us how to cultivate and strengthen our abilities and a heartfelt readiness to be more receptive to the transforming power of Jesus’ Spirit. Evangelization in the parish and beyond is made immensely fruitful by appropriating their wisdom.” – Fr. John Horn, S.J., Co-Founder of the Seminary Formation Council and the Institute for Priestly Formation, Faculty for Pastoral Theology at St. Vincent DePaul Seminary, FL


Sr. Marysia Weber, RSM, DO, MA

Sister Marysia Weber is a Religious Sister of Mercy of Alma, MI.  She is a physician, certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.  She completed her residency and fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  She received the Howard P. Rome, MD Writing and Clinical Research Award-Mayo Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology. She holds a master’s degree in theology from Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.  She practiced psychiatry at her religious institute’s multidisciplinary medical clinic, Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Center in Alma, MI from 1988-2014. She has served as a psychological expert consultant for the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, USCCB.  She became the Director of the Office of Consecrated Life for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis in 2014. She served as facilitator for Rachel’s Vineyard, and as an executive board member of the Saint Louis Guild Catholic Medical Association. She served on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Review Board and Safe Environment Board. She also served as Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Missouri. She continues her work as chair of the board of directors of MyCatholicDoctor and with the Seminary Formation Council forming seminary formators in the Art of Accompaniment. She was recently missioned to Tulsa, OK and serves as vice president of mission and ministry and co-chair of the ethics committee for Saint Francis Health System.

Dr. Weber offers workshops on a variety of topics including human attachment, boundaries and character development, depression and anxiety, dialogue and conflict resolution, as well as on social media and its effects on the brain for clergy, seminarians, women’s and men’s religious communities, parents, teachers and students. She presents on Internet pornography addiction—a Catholic approach to treatment to bishops, clergy, seminarians, religious communities, and laity throughout the United States and Europe. She presented to the U.S. Bishops in Dallas TX in 1992 on “Pedophilia and Other Addictions”.  She was a member of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse in 1994-1995.  Dr. Weber has presented to the Curia, Vatican City State on “Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy in North America” in 2002.

Dr Weber has published a second edition of her book: The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator which incorporates aspects of the transformational focus of the Program for Priestly Formation, 6th edition (

Her book Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down now also available in Spanish ( describes how excess screen time alters the brain and offers many practicals to address these effects.  

She also has two chapters in Spiritual Husband-Spiritual Fathers: Priestly Formation for the 21st Century including: “Guideposts for the Seminary Formator in Understanding and Assessing Levels of Preoccupation with Use of Internet Pornography and a Formative Process for Moving from Vice to Virtue”

Her other publications include “Medical Aspects of Addiction”; “The Roman Catholic Church and the Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Religious in the United States and Canada: What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?”; “Pornography, Electronic Media and Priestly Formation” in Homiletic and Pastoral Review. Her publications in Seminary Journal include: “Significant Markers of Human Maturation Applied to the Selection and Formation of Seminarians”; “The Discernment of a Priestly Vocation and the Expertise of Psychiatry and Psychology”; and “Internet Pornography and Priestly Formation: Medium and Content Collide with the Human Brain”.


The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey by Julie McPhillips, OCDS Today, you are invited exactly where you are to consider that your life is on a spiritual journey Home to God.  Each is God’s planned creation, and Jesus is “The Way” to our final destination—Eternal...

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Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge TBA Paperback: $TBA| Kindle: $9.99 ARTICLES Etheredge, Francis, “We must fight gender ideology to preserve the concept of truth,” LifeSite News (October 25, 2024). Click here to read the review. TESTIMONIALS...

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Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI Reflecting on the theology of the presence of Christ in the world, particularly from the point of view of the aesthetics of religious life as understood from the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, John Paul...

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Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality

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Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

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Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

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Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality – Ed. by Fr. John Horn, S.J. St. Paul prays with ardent desire that “the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we might know what is the hope of the risen Jesus’ calling, and what are the...

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Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough by Fr. Francis Canavan, SJ ​Fun Is Not Enough collects all the prophetic insights catholic eye readers loved, so that Canavan may inspire a new generation with his contributions to contemporary debates on religious and political liberty, the dignity...

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Your Faith Has Saved You: Homilies for Liturgical Year C–Sundays, Solemnities, and Some Feasts by Rev. John P. Cush, STD

Your Faith Has Saved You: Homilies for Liturgical Year C–Sundays, Solemnities, and Some Feasts by Rev. John P. Cush, STD

Your Faith Has Saved You: Homilies for Liturgical Year C–Sundays, Solemnities, and Some Feasts

by Rev. John P. Cush

This book is a collection of homilies crafted for Sundays, solemnities, and significant feasts in the liturgical calendar’s Year C cycle. The book begins with an exploration of the Christology of the Gospel of Luke, emphasizing Jesus as the universal and compassionate Savior, deeply rooted in the fulfillment of God’s promises. It outlines themes central to Luke’s Gospel, such as Jesus’ outreach to the marginalized, His Spirit-filled mission, and the role of prayer in His ministry.

The homilies span various liturgical occasions, from Advent through the Solemnity of Christ the King, offering reflections on scripture readings and their applications to contemporary Christian life. Each homily emphasizes theological insights, pastoral care, and practical spirituality. For instance, during Advent, Cush urges believers to rekindle an eschatological focus, while Christmas homilies highlight the paradox of God’s incarnation as a vulnerable child. Themes of mercy, humility, and discipleship pervade, inviting readers to deepen their faith and emulate Christ’s compassion.

This work integrates historical, scriptural, and doctrinal elements, making it a rich resource for clergy and laity alike. Its reflections encourage a vibrant, prayerful engagement with the liturgical year, inspiring Christians to live out their faith authentically in daily life.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Father John P. Cush, STD, a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn, is the Editor-in-Chief of Homiletic and Pastoral Review. Fr. Cush serves as a full-time Professor of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, Director of Seminarian Admissions and Recruitment, and Formation Advisor at Saint Joseph’s Seminary and College in New York. Before that, he served in parochial work and in full-time high school teaching in the Diocese of Brooklyn and had served as Academic Dean/Assistant Vice-Rector and Formation Advisor at the Pontifical North American College Rome, Italy. Fr. Cush has taught theology and Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum), and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Santa Croce), all in Rome, Italy.

Fr. Cush holds the pontifical doctorate in sacred theology (STD) from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy in the field of fundamental theology, He had also studied dogmatic theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum), Rome, Italy, on the graduate level. Fr. Cush is the author of The How-to-Book of Theology (OSV Press, 2020) and Theology as Prayer: a Primer for Diocesan Priests (with Msgr. Walter Oxley), as well as being a contributor to the festschrift Intellect, Affect, and God (Marquette University Press, 2021). He is also the author of Nothing But You: Reflections on the Priesthood and Priestly Formation through the Lens of Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire, July 2024).



The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

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Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

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Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

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Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles by Michael Frey The Bereavement Miracles program was designed to play a quintessential role in evangelizing the “spirit of  mission” to individuals who are suffering from the death of a loved one by relating eternal realities in a systematic...

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How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World by Dr. Donald DeMarco How to Flourish in a Fallen World, by Donald DeMarco, engages the reader in an understanding of our common human nature and the problems it faces in a culture that actively pursues, to put it in Saint John Paul...

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Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free and Faithful by Dr. Ronda Chervin Should women be feminine and forget about liberation? Or should they reject femininity as a euphemism for slavery? Women seeking fulfillment, says Chervin, aren’t faced with this either-or, but with the challenge to be...

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Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality – Ed. by Fr. John Horn, S.J. St. Paul prays with ardent desire that “the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we might know what is the hope of the risen Jesus’ calling, and what are the...

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Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough by Fr. Francis Canavan, SJ ​Fun Is Not Enough collects all the prophetic insights catholic eye readers loved, so that Canavan may inspire a new generation with his contributions to contemporary debates on religious and political liberty, the dignity...

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The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

by Julie McPhillips, OCDS

Today, you are invited exactly where you are to consider that your life is on a spiritual journey Home to God.  Each is God’s planned creation, and Jesus is “The Way” to our final destination—Eternal Life—our place with God forever. 

Every day, Jesus invites the spiritually poor, the spiritually desolate, the spiritually hungry, the spiritually lost, and every sinner to see Him as their Guide, to focus on Him through life’s spiritual journey, and to follow Him Home.  And this is true of YOU now.  

Regardless of your present-day belief, The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey is an opportunity to see things differently and make it easier to traverse life’s road ahead spiritually.  Mystical signposts provided by Church teachings from the time of Jesus are not widely known today.  The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey, which has eleven sessions for practical growth, proposes to make these known and help remove some of the stumbling blocks many souls are currently experiencing with Catholicism.

Full Color Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Julie McPhillips, OCDS, is a lifelong Catholic, wife, mother, and grandmother. In 2009, she began her journey as a secular Discalced Carmelite and pursued ten years of Carmelite Studies in addition to the daily requirements of the Secular Carmelite Order.  She received a BA in 2020 and an MTh in 2022 from the Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland, accredited by St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth, Ireland. 


The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey by Julie McPhillips, OCDS Today, you are invited exactly where you are to consider that your life is on a spiritual journey Home to God.  Each is God’s planned creation, and Jesus is “The Way” to our final destination—Eternal...

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Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge TBA Paperback: $TBA| Kindle: $9.99 ARTICLES Etheredge, Francis, “We must fight gender ideology to preserve the concept of truth,” LifeSite News (October 25, 2024). Click here to read the review. TESTIMONIALS...

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Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI Reflecting on the theology of the presence of Christ in the world, particularly from the point of view of the aesthetics of religious life as understood from the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, John Paul...

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Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can't Put That Phone Down by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM Have you ever had an irresistible urge to check your texts, social media posts or email updates when your cell phone rings, beeps or buzzes? Is the amount of time spent on your cell phone...

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Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

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Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

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Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive by Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, and Bishop Richard Henning International priests have served the Roman Catholic Church in the United States since its inception. With congregations consisting largely of immigrants...

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Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles by Michael Frey The Bereavement Miracles program was designed to play a quintessential role in evangelizing the “spirit of  mission” to individuals who are suffering from the death of a loved one by relating eternal realities in a systematic...

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How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World by Dr. Donald DeMarco How to Flourish in a Fallen World, by Donald DeMarco, engages the reader in an understanding of our common human nature and the problems it faces in a culture that actively pursues, to put it in Saint John Paul...

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Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free and Faithful by Dr. Ronda Chervin Should women be feminine and forget about liberation? Or should they reject femininity as a euphemism for slavery? Women seeking fulfillment, says Chervin, aren’t faced with this either-or, but with the challenge to be...

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Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality – Ed. by Fr. John Horn, S.J. St. Paul prays with ardent desire that “the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we might know what is the hope of the risen Jesus’ calling, and what are the...

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Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough by Fr. Francis Canavan, SJ ​Fun Is Not Enough collects all the prophetic insights catholic eye readers loved, so that Canavan may inspire a new generation with his contributions to contemporary debates on religious and political liberty, the dignity...

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Smelling Like the Sheep as We Minister to God’s People by Fr. Bill Waters, OSA

Smelling Like the Sheep as We Minister to God’s People by Fr. Bill Waters, OSA

Smelling Like the Sheep as We Minister to God’s People

by Fr. Bill Waters, OSA

When Jesus said to go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News, he meant to incorporate his teachings and our faith into the ordinary aspects of our lives. This book includes reflections on practical pastoral life covering topics on family spirituality, marriage preparation, avoiding divorce, practical evangelization, premarital sex, and the role of the pastor, all the while smelling like the sheep.
Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“Father Waters has gathered together articles written over the past 40 years reflecting on his experiences of dealing with couples preparing for marriage, couples experiencing prayerful families, couples struggling with marriage, laypersons evangelizing in ordinary ways, struggles of being a pastor in the modern world and the influence Pope Francis has had on his ministry. I find all of this that rare combination of both inspiring and useful!” – Fr. James Martin, SJ, author of Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone
“In this new collection of articles, Father William Waters, OSA offers a number of blessed insights into some of the recurring challenges priests encounter in pastoral ministry. His understanding of human nature and appreciation of the ordinary daily struggles make his reflections real and realistic for both laity and priests. If you are looking for practical approaches, tinged with self-deprecating humor, for some of today’s problems, I encourage you to pick up and enjoy these essays.” – Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes, Archbishop Emeritus of New Orleans

“Marriage preparation, building projects, separately celebrating the seasons of Advent and Christmas in a society where celebrating Christmas usually begins immediately after Thanksgiving and ends before a new year begins, are among the many challenges that priests face in their ministries. Exploring these, and many other topics, the author shares the realities, as well as the frustrations, of being a priest and pastor today. People sometimes think that priests are knowledgeable about every aspect of their ministry. While Fr Waters admits: ‘I do not pretend to have the answers, but I know some of the challenges,’ he also has plenty of practical wisdom, acquired from serving over fifty-three years of ordained ministry, to convey to priests of all age groups. It is evident that Fr Waters understands priesthood with its many hats to wear. This book is a refreshing read and priests, particularly pastors, will readily identify with his experiences and benefit from his insights.” – Bishop Timothy Senior, Bishop of Harrisburg

“When Fr Bill left our wedding reception, we told him not to change his process of helping engaged couples prepare for marriage. Under his guidance, completing our Marriage inventory forced us to ask the tough questions, ensuring we understood each other’s values. Creating our Marriage Gameplan gave us the confidence to face any rough waters together, knowing we’d never abandon ship.” – Mark and Marisyl Alvino


Fr. Bill Waters, OSA, was born in Philadelphia in 1943. After graduating from St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire he joined the Augustinian Community. After receiving a Master’s Degree in Education (Villanova University, 1968) and a Master’s Degree in Theology (Washington Theological Union, 1971) he was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest on August 28, 1971.

His first assignment was as Parochial Vicar at St. Augustine Parish in Lawrence, MA (1971-75). He then served as Vocation Director for the East Coast Augustinians (1975-79), and then Director of Students at Augustinian College in Washington., D.C. for the Augustinians who were preparing for Solemn Vows and/or Ordination. He returned to Lawrence as pastor of St. Augustine Parish (1984-93). He was the Vicar for the Lawrence Vicariate from 1991 to 1993. He then served as pastor of St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish in Jamaica, New York (1993-97) and then pastor of St. Mary-Inmaculada Concepcion Parish in Lawrence (1997-2004). While pastor at St. Mary’s, the parish in 2001 was named one of the 300 excellent parishes in the country by The Parish Congregation Study team led by Paul Wilkes. On August 6, 2004 Father Waters became pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Methuen and Lawrence, a position which he held until June of 2008 when he became a member of the Campus Ministry team at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA. In August of 2014 he became Pastor of St. Augustine Parish in Philadelphia, a position he held until July 1, 2024. He is presently residing at St. Thomas Monastery at Villanova University.

He served as a member of the Council of Priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and as Chaplain for the Philadelphia Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Before he came to Philadelphia, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Mary Immaculate Health Care Services, a member of Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s Presbyteral Council in the Archdiocese of Boston, Chaplain of both the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 8 and the Massachusetts State Chaplain for the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He was the former chaplain of the Lawrence Police Department, a past member of the Board of St. Anne Home in Methuen and a former member of the Board of Trustees of the Lawrence Public Library. He was named Irishman of the Year in 2004 by the Hibernians and named the Grand Marshall of Lawrence‘s 2006 St. Patrick Day Parade. In October of 2012 he received “The Catholic Leadership Award” from his alma mater, St. Anselm College. In March of 2014 he received “The Cardinal Cushing Award from the Ancient Order of Hibernians.

He has authored the eight published articles that comprise this book: “Spiritual Guidance in Family Settings” (The Priest, March 1981), “Marriage Preparation Comes Too Late” (Today’s Parish, Nov. /Dec. 1990), “Helping Couples Avoid Divorce” (Today’s Parish, April/May 1994), “Ministry of the Laity: Evangelization—Hearing the Word and Keeping It” (The Priest July, 2016.), “What the Bishop Never Told Us at Ordination” (The Priest June, 2018), “If Pope Francis Confuses People, He is in Good Company” (The Priest, March 2019),  “Christmas, a Holy Night, a Joyful Day—But is it a Glorious Season for Priests?” (The Priest, December 2023). “Why Wait ‘Till Marriage? It Is So Old Fashion!” (The Priest, January 2025)



The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey by Julie McPhillips, OCDS Today, you are invited exactly where you are to consider that your life is on a spiritual journey Home to God.  Each is God’s planned creation, and Jesus is “The Way” to our final destination—Eternal...

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Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge TBA Paperback: $TBA| Kindle: $9.99 ARTICLES Etheredge, Francis, “We must fight gender ideology to preserve the concept of truth,” LifeSite News (October 25, 2024). Click here to read the review. TESTIMONIALS...

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Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI Reflecting on the theology of the presence of Christ in the world, particularly from the point of view of the aesthetics of religious life as understood from the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, John Paul...

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Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook: Evangelizing a Rural Parish Community in Southeast Missouri through Social Media by Fr. Dominic Ibok, D.Min. In Southeast Missouri, where Catholics are a minority, the challenge of diminishing participation and reduced membership requires an...

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Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality: Precious Gift and Perilous Challenge with Particular Reference to the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church by Fr. Dominic Anaeto We live in an age when our sexuality speaks loudly and clamors for attention, so it is good that celibate men and women, and...

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Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can't Put That Phone Down by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM Have you ever had an irresistible urge to check your texts, social media posts or email updates when your cell phone rings, beeps or buzzes? Is the amount of time spent on your cell phone...

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Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace by Dr. Ronda Chervin Five steps to help people overcome uncontrolled or over-reactive anger. Steps include admitting being angry person: identifying the anger: physical, psychological and spiritual perspectives about...

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Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive by Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, and Bishop Richard Henning International priests have served the Roman Catholic Church in the United States since its inception. With congregations consisting largely of immigrants...

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Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles by Michael Frey The Bereavement Miracles program was designed to play a quintessential role in evangelizing the “spirit of  mission” to individuals who are suffering from the death of a loved one by relating eternal realities in a systematic...

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How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World by Dr. Donald DeMarco How to Flourish in a Fallen World, by Donald DeMarco, engages the reader in an understanding of our common human nature and the problems it faces in a culture that actively pursues, to put it in Saint John Paul...

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Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free and Faithful by Dr. Ronda Chervin Should women be feminine and forget about liberation? Or should they reject femininity as a euphemism for slavery? Women seeking fulfillment, says Chervin, aren’t faced with this either-or, but with the challenge to be...

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Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality – Ed. by Fr. John Horn, S.J. St. Paul prays with ardent desire that “the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we might know what is the hope of the risen Jesus’ calling, and what are the...

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Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough by Fr. Francis Canavan, SJ ​Fun Is Not Enough collects all the prophetic insights catholic eye readers loved, so that Canavan may inspire a new generation with his contributions to contemporary debates on religious and political liberty, the dignity...

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Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Pro-Science: An Integrative Guidebook by Bonita Pratt

Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Pro-Science: An Integrative Guidebook by Bonita Pratt

Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Pro-Science: An Integrative Guidebook 

by Bonita Pratt

Feel passionate about defending unborn life, but intimidated by loud pro-choice arguments? This guidebook has over 125 responses to both common and rare pro-choice objections. Read either front to back or by individual chapter, for a quick answer. Specifically, it examines: the historical and legal perspectives, life’s intrinsic value, when human life begins, fetal development, abortion procedures, adoption, how to find common ground, and many pro-choice talking points.

Paperback: $TBA | Kindle: $9.99





The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey by Julie McPhillips, OCDS Today, you are invited exactly where you are to consider that your life is on a spiritual journey Home to God.  Each is God’s planned creation, and Jesus is “The Way” to our final destination—Eternal...

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Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge TBA Paperback: $TBA| Kindle: $9.99 ARTICLES Etheredge, Francis, “We must fight gender ideology to preserve the concept of truth,” LifeSite News (October 25, 2024). Click here to read the review. TESTIMONIALS...

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Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI Reflecting on the theology of the presence of Christ in the world, particularly from the point of view of the aesthetics of religious life as understood from the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, John Paul...

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Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook: Evangelizing a Rural Parish Community in Southeast Missouri through Social Media by Fr. Dominic Ibok, D.Min. In Southeast Missouri, where Catholics are a minority, the challenge of diminishing participation and reduced membership requires an...

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Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality: Precious Gift and Perilous Challenge with Particular Reference to the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church by Fr. Dominic Anaeto We live in an age when our sexuality speaks loudly and clamors for attention, so it is good that celibate men and women, and...

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Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can't Put That Phone Down by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM Have you ever had an irresistible urge to check your texts, social media posts or email updates when your cell phone rings, beeps or buzzes? Is the amount of time spent on your cell phone...

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Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace by Dr. Ronda Chervin Five steps to help people overcome uncontrolled or over-reactive anger. Steps include admitting being angry person: identifying the anger: physical, psychological and spiritual perspectives about...

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Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive by Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, and Bishop Richard Henning International priests have served the Roman Catholic Church in the United States since its inception. With congregations consisting largely of immigrants...

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Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles by Michael Frey The Bereavement Miracles program was designed to play a quintessential role in evangelizing the “spirit of  mission” to individuals who are suffering from the death of a loved one by relating eternal realities in a systematic...

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How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World by Dr. Donald DeMarco How to Flourish in a Fallen World, by Donald DeMarco, engages the reader in an understanding of our common human nature and the problems it faces in a culture that actively pursues, to put it in Saint John Paul...

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Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free and Faithful by Dr. Ronda Chervin Should women be feminine and forget about liberation? Or should they reject femininity as a euphemism for slavery? Women seeking fulfillment, says Chervin, aren’t faced with this either-or, but with the challenge to be...

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Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality – Ed. by Fr. John Horn, S.J. St. Paul prays with ardent desire that “the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we might know what is the hope of the risen Jesus’ calling, and what are the...

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Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough by Fr. Francis Canavan, SJ ​Fun Is Not Enough collects all the prophetic insights catholic eye readers loved, so that Canavan may inspire a new generation with his contributions to contemporary debates on religious and political liberty, the dignity...

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Making the Impossible Possible: It Is All About Who Is With You by Fr. Peter Grover, OMV

Making the Impossible Possible: It Is All About Who Is With You by Fr. Peter Grover, OMV

Making the Impossible Possible: It Is All About Who Is With You

by Fr. Peter Grover, OMV

This book explores the transformative power of divine partnership, showing how God works through human imperfections to achieve extraordinary results. Drawing from scripture, personal anecdotes, and life lessons, the book demonstrates that collaboration with God is not limited to saints or the gifted—it is accessible to everyone. The central theme is that faith and trust in God allow ordinary individuals to participate in extraordinary accomplishments while finding fulfillment and simplicity.

The book is structured in three parts: God, You, and Both, guiding readers to understand divine power, personal responsibility, and mutual partnership. Grover illustrates these themes with vivid stories, such as David’s triumph over Goliath, personal encounters with faith, and everyday interactions showcasing divine providence. Each chapter emphasizes practical lessons: relying on God, overcoming fear and failure, and discovering joy in service.

Fr. Grover draws from his experiences as a priest and scholar, blending humor, wisdom, and biblical insights. He encourages readers to align their talents with God’s will, emphasizing that imperfections do not diminish value or potential. Ultimately, the book inspires readers to trust in God’s plan, embrace their unique roles, and strive for a life of purpose and gratitude.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Fr. Peter Grover, OMV is a religious priest with the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Presently he is the director of St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine in Boston. He also teaches classical languages and biblical studies at St. John Seminary, the Theological Institute of Boston, and Pope St. John XXIII Seminary. He is an avid fly-fisherman and enjoys wreaking havoc in the kitchen.


The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey

The Three Ways: Catholic Spiritual Journey by Julie McPhillips, OCDS Today, you are invited exactly where you are to consider that your life is on a spiritual journey Home to God.  Each is God’s planned creation, and Jesus is “The Way” to our final destination—Eternal...

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Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge

Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge TBA Paperback: $TBA| Kindle: $9.99 ARTICLES Etheredge, Francis, “We must fight gender ideology to preserve the concept of truth,” LifeSite News (October 25, 2024). Click here to read the review. TESTIMONIALS...

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Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI

Handbook for Catholic Religious by Fr. Bevil Bramwell, OMI Reflecting on the theology of the presence of Christ in the world, particularly from the point of view of the aesthetics of religious life as understood from the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, John Paul...

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Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook

Faith and Facebook: Evangelizing a Rural Parish Community in Southeast Missouri through Social Media by Fr. Dominic Ibok, D.Min. In Southeast Missouri, where Catholics are a minority, the challenge of diminishing participation and reduced membership requires an...

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Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality: Precious Gift and Perilous Challenge with Particular Reference to the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church by Fr. Dominic Anaeto We live in an age when our sexuality speaks loudly and clamors for attention, so it is good that celibate men and women, and...

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Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down

Screen Addiction: Why You Can't Put That Phone Down by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM Have you ever had an irresistible urge to check your texts, social media posts or email updates when your cell phone rings, beeps or buzzes? Is the amount of time spent on your cell phone...

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Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace

Taming the Lion Within: 5 Steps from Anger to Peace by Dr. Ronda Chervin Five steps to help people overcome uncontrolled or over-reactive anger. Steps include admitting being angry person: identifying the anger: physical, psychological and spiritual perspectives about...

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Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

Missionary Priests in the Homeland: Our Call to Receive

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Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles

Bereavement Miracles by Michael Frey The Bereavement Miracles program was designed to play a quintessential role in evangelizing the “spirit of  mission” to individuals who are suffering from the death of a loved one by relating eternal realities in a systematic...

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How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World

How to Flourish in a Fallen World by Dr. Donald DeMarco How to Flourish in a Fallen World, by Donald DeMarco, engages the reader in an understanding of our common human nature and the problems it faces in a culture that actively pursues, to put it in Saint John Paul...

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Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free, & Faithful

Feminine, Free and Faithful by Dr. Ronda Chervin Should women be feminine and forget about liberation? Or should they reject femininity as a euphemism for slavery? Women seeking fulfillment, says Chervin, aren’t faced with this either-or, but with the challenge to be...

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Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality

Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality – Ed. by Fr. John Horn, S.J. St. Paul prays with ardent desire that “the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we might know what is the hope of the risen Jesus’ calling, and what are the...

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Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough

Fun is Not Enough by Fr. Francis Canavan, SJ ​Fun Is Not Enough collects all the prophetic insights catholic eye readers loved, so that Canavan may inspire a new generation with his contributions to contemporary debates on religious and political liberty, the dignity...

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