Money, Markets and Morals: Catholic Perspectives on Economics and Finance

Edited by Thomas Storck

This volume brings together several essays and papers dealing with aspects of Catholic social teaching, especially as that concerns investment and our use of money.

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99


Furnell, Gary. (Summer 2025). “The World of Contemporary Finance: A Catholic Critique.” The Defendant. Click here to read the review. To join the Australian Chesterton Society, click here


David Cooney is the editor of the website Practical Distributism and the author of Distributism Basics: Foundational Principles.

Donald Boland is an Australian philosopher and attorney, founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies in Sydney. He is the author of Metaphysics, Truth and St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomist Tradition: Avoiding Scylla and Charybdis and other works on Thomism, natural law and social doctrine.

Count Giuseppe Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto (1885-1967) was editor of L’Osservatore Romano from 1919 to 1960.

John C. Médaille teaches theology at the University of Dallas. He is the author of The Vocation of Business, Toward a Truly Free Market, and (with Thomas Storck), Theology: Mythos or Logos?

Ezra Pound (1885-1972) was one of the most important American poets of the twentieth century.

Dr. Garrick Small is Head of the Economics, Finance and Property discipline group for Central Queensland University. He has published on applications of Thomistic Catholic social thought to questions related to real estate economics and the intersection between culture and land, as well as general economic and environmental questions. His interest in land and culture has included work with indigenous people and governments in Fiji, New Guinea, and East Timor.


Thomas Storck has written on diverse social, cultural and philosophical subjects for numerous print and online venues, and is the author, editor or translator of ten previous books, most recently, The Prosperity Gospel: How Greed and Bad Philosophy Distorted Christ’s Teachings (TAN, 2023). He studied literature and philosophy at Kenyon College where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1973. He subsequently studied philosophy at St. John’s College, Santa Fe, N.M. (M.A., 1980) and history at Bluffton University. He is a contributing editor of New Oxford Review and a member of the editorial board of The Chesterton Review.


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