World Between Worlds: A Novel Based on the Early Life of Caterina, the Mystic of Siena
By Jenny duBay
World Between Worlds is Jenny duBay’s unforgettable story of one of the Church’s most dynamic saints, Catherine of Siena. Set in the tumultuous fourteenth century, World Between Worlds takes readers on a journey across the landscape of medieval Tuscany, through the eyes of a mystic who is entangled in political chaos, social upheaval, and spiritual awakening.
Ever since she experienced her first vision at the age of six, Caterina di Giacomo of Siena has been prone to mystical insights and spiritual revelations, yet the chaotic world around her isn’t tolerant of her supernatural inclinations. Her unconventional lifestyle, her ability to foretell future events, and her unnatural wisdom are suspect in the eyes of many. Women in fourteenth century Tuscany have only two choices in life—marriage or the convent. Caterina defiantly refuses both to follow her own path, an independent lifestyle no woman before her dared attempt. Amid the struggles to follow her inner path, Caterina— who has been blessed with the prophetic grace to help heal afflicted and struggling souls— finds the outside world is frazzled with political instability, city-wide bloodshed, and a Church in disarray.
Following St. Catherine’s early life, from mystical seclusion to her budding influence within the spiritual and social circles of her day, World Between Worlds is a novel of turmoil and redemption.
Paperback: $29.95 | Kindle: $9.99