Floating to the Shore of Eternity: Last Journals of Ronda Chervin (2022-2024) by Ronda Chervin

Floating to the Shore of Eternity: Last Journals of Ronda Chervin (2022-2024) by Ronda Chervin

Floating to the Shore of Eternity: Last Journals of Ronda Chervin (2022-2024)

By Ronda Chervin

One of the most wonderful images I thought I received from Jesus in the 8th decade of my life was this: “Stop dog-paddling in the waves of life and let Me float you to the shore of eternity.” Gradually I have slowed down on speaking at conferences or for parish groups. This year, my 86th, I stopped writing big books and wrote, instead, lots of small booklets, as well as a compendium of my best thoughts under the title of 77 Soundbytes of LoveNow I sensed, in prayer, that the Holy Spirit wanted me to make my last small book the journals still unpublished of 2022-2024. Unless I “get” a huge gust of insight after this, Floating to the Shore of Eternity will be the last time I write anything except responses to e-mails! I am a little scared since I have so long defined myself as a writer. Addicted to labeling and to acting like a “drama queen” it seems daunting to imagine myself under the label of “Old Penitent” or “Pseudo-Contemplative.” Let go, let God! And so begins these most recent thoughts of mine. 

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“The years pass quickly. It’s the days that are long! Ronda looks back in these day-to-day journal entries of the past couple of years with both wit and wisdom.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy


Ronda Chervin, PhD, is a professor of philosophy, widow, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has taught at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of Los Angeles, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles Seminary and College. She is the author of numerous books about Catholic living and presents on EWTN and Catholic Radio. Most well-known of her books are The Way of Love, Treasury of Women Saints, Avoiding Bitterness in Suffering: How our Heroes in Faith Found Peace amid Sorrow, and, most recently, with co-author Albert Hughes: Escaping Anxiety on the Road to Spiritual Joy. 


In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters,...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all...

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Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity by Joni J. Seith Walking her readers through her conversion from a...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems by Francis Etheredge This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor by Marge Giangiulio Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios. En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIOS "En el...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God's Memoir by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD God's Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art,...

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How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution? by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano We have been searching for a satisfying answer to this question nearly all of our adult lives, and both Joe and Ron are almost 80. This journey of 50 years led us on an...

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My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion Kristina R. Olsen This is the conversion story of a Carmelite tertiary. Through a series of spiritual adventures and with the help of supportive friends, professors and spiritual guides, she learned about God's will for her to enter the Catholic...

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The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick Counseled by a priest to put her children in an orphanage after being evicted from her home, Dorothy Cusick's mother, Mary, was in danger of falling into despair. Poetically written, Dorothy's story of how her mother faced...

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Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord by Marge Giangiulio An honest and compelling account of the life of Marge Giangiulio and those touched by an outpouring of God’s goodness and mercy. Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "In today’s noisy, busy world, we...

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Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand! A Conversion Journey from Fundamental Baptist to Roman Catholic By Anne Stokes Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New...

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Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God's Face: A Catholic American Woman in India by Kiki Latimer My mother taught me at a young age the old adage that: life isn't fair. But we were living, growing up, in a country, the United States of America, that was founded on the idea of justice for all,...

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Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Whoever can make a recording of this hymn, please do so, and we'll share it with the world!Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH by Deacon Charles Louis Durban This book is dedicated to and is about the merciful and at times semi-miraculous...

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The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim. Barbara Lorenzo’s Miracle Mission at Medjugorje. The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with...

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A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing   by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes and Deacon Larry Oney   Racial eruptions continue to highlight our need for deeper racial healing. This book begins with two contrasting stories of a black deacon and a white bishop. They...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the...

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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

"The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in...

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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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Finding Serenity: The Camino’s Distillate by Joseph J Hurley

Finding Serenity: The Camino’s Distillate by Joseph J Hurley

Finding Serenity: The Camino Distillate

By Joseph J Hurley

Joe Hurley walked thirty-three straight days. After crossing the Pyrenees into Spain, he trekked eight hundred more kilometers to Santiago de Compostela. For three days he hiked alongside his son Mike. Then for thirty days he wandered solo. Rarely was he alone, though. Everything needed, except food, could be found in his pack. With each dawn’s arrival, he never knew where he would lodge that evening, except for two nights. While physically challenging, it was likewise joyous and extraordinarily uplifting. It gifted him the precious gift of serenity. He would do it again in a heartbeat, if so blessed. After reading this book, you will want to join him!

Paperback: $19.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“Distillates are those substances that are concentrated or extracted. Dr. Hurley has concentrated the spiritual meaning and substance of the Camino in his book Finding Serenity. It is a journey of the external road imitating or extracting the internal life of the Spirit. Taking the time to walk (even if only by his words and images), allows one to go deeper via the simple pleasures and serenity of the path, experiencing more fully being alive and aware. Many thanks to Dr. Hurley for helping us deepen our appreciation for roads outwardly and more frequently traveled as well as those very human roads inside of us too often less traveled.” – Charlie Durban, author of Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with Ruach

It was on a Sunday morning on my own Camino de Santiago journey. From a mile away soft musical notes emanated across the open field I was crossing. Those magical mysterious notes increased in volume as it drew me closer, finally bringing me to the entrance of a Catholic Church where a Mass was about to begin. The words and expressions in Joseph Hurley’s Finding Serenity are like word notes inviting the reader to a destination. That destination will be the door to your heart, mind, and soul. Open that door to experience what a life changing walk can do to the walker as well as the reader.” Paul Stutzman, author of Hiking Through: One Man’s Journey to Peace and Freedom on the Appalachian Trail, and Pilgrims: On the Camino de Santiago.

“The Camino provides is a saying many of us have experienced and usually when we least expect it. Joseph’s delving into the history and spirituality of this journey is truly enlightening. I love to encourage people to undertake a journey of self-discovery by walking the Camino — and then life will never be the same.” – Nola Vulling, a Camino pilgrim who has made six pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela including one of over 1000 miles from Amsterdam


Joe Hurley is a retired physician residing in St Louis with his wife Ellen. A frequent urban and backwoods hiker he has shared numerous outdoor trips with his nine children. As a practicing Catholic he was drawn to experience the ancient practice of pilgrimage upon his retirement in 2014. This book is a long look back on his solo journey in the Summer of that year.


In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters,...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all...

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Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity by Joni J. Seith Walking her readers through her conversion from a...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems by Francis Etheredge This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor by Marge Giangiulio Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios. En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIOS "En el...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God's Memoir by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD God's Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art,...

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How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution? by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano We have been searching for a satisfying answer to this question nearly all of our adult lives, and both Joe and Ron are almost 80. This journey of 50 years led us on an...

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My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion Kristina R. Olsen This is the conversion story of a Carmelite tertiary. Through a series of spiritual adventures and with the help of supportive friends, professors and spiritual guides, she learned about God's will for her to enter the Catholic...

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The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick Counseled by a priest to put her children in an orphanage after being evicted from her home, Dorothy Cusick's mother, Mary, was in danger of falling into despair. Poetically written, Dorothy's story of how her mother faced...

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Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord by Marge Giangiulio An honest and compelling account of the life of Marge Giangiulio and those touched by an outpouring of God’s goodness and mercy. Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "In today’s noisy, busy world, we...

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Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand! A Conversion Journey from Fundamental Baptist to Roman Catholic By Anne Stokes Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New...

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Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God's Face: A Catholic American Woman in India by Kiki Latimer My mother taught me at a young age the old adage that: life isn't fair. But we were living, growing up, in a country, the United States of America, that was founded on the idea of justice for all,...

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Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Whoever can make a recording of this hymn, please do so, and we'll share it with the world!Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH by Deacon Charles Louis Durban This book is dedicated to and is about the merciful and at times semi-miraculous...

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The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim. Barbara Lorenzo’s Miracle Mission at Medjugorje. The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with...

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A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing   by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes and Deacon Larry Oney   Racial eruptions continue to highlight our need for deeper racial healing. This book begins with two contrasting stories of a black deacon and a white bishop. They...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the...

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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

"The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in...

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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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Rev. Fr. Austin M. Woodbury, SM, PhD, STD and the Aquinas Academy (1945 – 1975) by Donald G. Boland

Rev. Fr. Austin M. Woodbury, SM, PhD, STD and the Aquinas Academy (1945 – 1975) by Donald G. Boland

Rev. Fr. Austin M. Woodbury, SM, PhD, STD and the Aquinas Academy (1945 – 1975)

by Dr. Donald G. Boland

In this book, Donald G. Boland reflects briefly on the man/priest as he knew him or of him, then goes through each of his major works in philosophy in the order of study recommended by St. Thomas, making comment, and some criticism, as considered appropriate. It is hoped that Boland’s reverence for the man and admiration for his work will come through and put whatever he has to say in the right perspective, namely, that this is a book of homage to a great man.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99


“From both a philosophical and a historical perspective, this book has much to recommend itself to those who would like to learn about the person and work of a great Australian Catholic Priest, Teacher and Philosopher. The book, written by one of Dr. Woodbury’s foremost students (who has done much over many years to keep alive and propagate the intellectual and moral legacy of his teacher and mentor), is a work of esteem and gratitude. It is exceptionally well-written and will do much to restore and continue Dr. Woodbury’s outstanding legacy. I warmly recommend this book to all, but especially to students who would like to find their way out of the intellectual and moral quagmire that lurks under the modern day wide-brimmed ‘sociology / philosophy / ethics / psychology / theology’ umbrella.” – Frank Calneggia, author of Assertions and Refutations: An Assessment of Dr. Tracey Rowland’s Natural Law


Donald G Boland Ll. B. (Sydney), Ph. D. (Angelicum) is a founding member of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. in Sydney Australia and is one of its former Presidents. He practiced for a number of years as a lawyer having a degree in law from the University of Sydney. Over much the same time, having obtained a doctorate in philosophy from the University of St. Thomas in Rome, he has taught philosophy and law in both Catholic and secular educational institutions, such as the University of Technology, Sydney, the University of Newcastle, the Aquinas Academy, the Centre for Thomistic Studies Inc., now operating under the name of the Centre for Catholic Studies Inc., and various Catholic seminaries, such as those of the Marists and the Vincentians. His doctoral thesis was on the concepts of utility and value in economics as found in the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.


In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters,...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all...

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Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity by Joni J. Seith Walking her readers through her conversion from a...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems by Francis Etheredge This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor by Marge Giangiulio Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios. En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIOS "En el...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God's Memoir by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD God's Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art,...

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How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution? by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano We have been searching for a satisfying answer to this question nearly all of our adult lives, and both Joe and Ron are almost 80. This journey of 50 years led us on an...

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My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion Kristina R. Olsen This is the conversion story of a Carmelite tertiary. Through a series of spiritual adventures and with the help of supportive friends, professors and spiritual guides, she learned about God's will for her to enter the Catholic...

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The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick Counseled by a priest to put her children in an orphanage after being evicted from her home, Dorothy Cusick's mother, Mary, was in danger of falling into despair. Poetically written, Dorothy's story of how her mother faced...

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Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord by Marge Giangiulio An honest and compelling account of the life of Marge Giangiulio and those touched by an outpouring of God’s goodness and mercy. Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "In today’s noisy, busy world, we...

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Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand! A Conversion Journey from Fundamental Baptist to Roman Catholic By Anne Stokes Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New...

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Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God's Face: A Catholic American Woman in India by Kiki Latimer My mother taught me at a young age the old adage that: life isn't fair. But we were living, growing up, in a country, the United States of America, that was founded on the idea of justice for all,...

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Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Whoever can make a recording of this hymn, please do so, and we'll share it with the world!Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH by Deacon Charles Louis Durban This book is dedicated to and is about the merciful and at times semi-miraculous...

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The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim. Barbara Lorenzo’s Miracle Mission at Medjugorje. The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with...

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A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing   by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes and Deacon Larry Oney   Racial eruptions continue to highlight our need for deeper racial healing. This book begins with two contrasting stories of a black deacon and a white bishop. They...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the...

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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

"The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in...

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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased

by Edward T. Byrne

Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters, this memoir chronicles Matt Byrne’s youth and growth into an All-American boy, and subsequent fall from grace as PTSD from his dream job as FDNY firefighter spiraled him toward substance abuse and depression.  A cautionary tale, In Whom I Am Well Pleased seeks to give families the heads up needed to avoid similar loss, or additional strength to survive it, if inevitable.

Paperback $19.95 | Kindle $9.99


“With every bittersweet word both honest and heartbreaking, Edward Byrne reminds us to cherish each moment in his wrenching memoir no parent would ever want to write.”  – Carol Hoenig, author of the forthcoming novel Before She was a Finley


Edward T. Byrne is a lawyer, practicing in the field of construction law for forty-five years. He is a graduate of Bowdoin College and Columbia Law School. Love’s Not Over ‘Til It’s Over, a Vietnam era family drama, was his first novel, published in 2017 after a very long gestation period.”

Visit Edward online at Edward T. Byrne (edwardtbyrne.com).


In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters,...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all...

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Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity by Joni J. Seith Walking her readers through her conversion from a...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems by Francis Etheredge This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor by Marge Giangiulio Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios. En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIOS "En el...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God's Memoir by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD God's Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art,...

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How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution? by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano We have been searching for a satisfying answer to this question nearly all of our adult lives, and both Joe and Ron are almost 80. This journey of 50 years led us on an...

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My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion Kristina R. Olsen This is the conversion story of a Carmelite tertiary. Through a series of spiritual adventures and with the help of supportive friends, professors and spiritual guides, she learned about God's will for her to enter the Catholic...

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The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick Counseled by a priest to put her children in an orphanage after being evicted from her home, Dorothy Cusick's mother, Mary, was in danger of falling into despair. Poetically written, Dorothy's story of how her mother faced...

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Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord by Marge Giangiulio An honest and compelling account of the life of Marge Giangiulio and those touched by an outpouring of God’s goodness and mercy. Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "In today’s noisy, busy world, we...

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Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand! A Conversion Journey from Fundamental Baptist to Roman Catholic By Anne Stokes Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New...

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Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God's Face: A Catholic American Woman in India by Kiki Latimer My mother taught me at a young age the old adage that: life isn't fair. But we were living, growing up, in a country, the United States of America, that was founded on the idea of justice for all,...

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Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Whoever can make a recording of this hymn, please do so, and we'll share it with the world!Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH by Deacon Charles Louis Durban This book is dedicated to and is about the merciful and at times semi-miraculous...

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The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim. Barbara Lorenzo’s Miracle Mission at Medjugorje. The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with...

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A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing   by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes and Deacon Larry Oney   Racial eruptions continue to highlight our need for deeper racial healing. This book begins with two contrasting stories of a black deacon and a white bishop. They...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the...

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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

"The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in...

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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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La Douleur de la Grâce : Vivre et Souffrir dans la Dignité

La Douleur de la Grâce : Vivre et Souffrir dans la Dignité

Femmes de Grâce avec Johnette Benkovic (Septembre 11 & 12, 2023) – Quand Dieu nous offre la croix : Les étapes pour extraire le trésor, Partie 1 et Partie 2 (entretien en anglais)

La Douleur de la Grâce: Vivre et Souffrir dans la Dignité

par Joni J. Seith et traduit par le Père Michel Legault, MSA

En guidant ses lecteurs à travers sa conversion d’un milieu culturel juif au catholicisme, Joni J. Seith raconte sa lutte pour vivre avec une maladie génétique débilitante chronique, douloureuse et progressive appelée syndrome d’Ehlers Danlos. Écrit avec candeur, dans un style humoristique optimiste et édifiant, La Douleur de la Grâce: Vivre et Souffrir dans la Dignité accompagne le lecteur sur un étonnant chemin de foi, comme le montre la vie vertigineuse et remarquable de Joni. Son histoire apporte un témoignage inoubliable de l’amour de Dieu dans la souffrance à un monde qui a grand besoin de cette vérité, donnant de l’espoir à de nombreuses personnes qui s’interrogent sur le but de la vie. Ces mémoires sincères et honnêtes s’adressent à tous ceux qui luttent contre la dépression, le désespoir et la douleur chronique, et à tous ceux qui ont besoin qu’on leur rappelle le véritable sens de la vie.

Livre de poche: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99

Extrait du Rosaire – Living Divine Mercy TV Show (EWTN) Ep.102 avec le Père Donald Calloway (posté le 24 août 2024), dont l’émission complète est disponible en anglais ici.


“Joni Seith a reçu la croix d’Ehlers Danlos, une maladie débilitante du tissu conjonctif. Pain of Grace est son histoire touchante et convaincante de Jésus l’invitant à entrer dans son amour transformateur à travers sa souffrance. Joni témoigne avec éloquence des paroles de saint Jean-Paul II dans Salvifici Doloris : “C’est la souffrance, plus que toute autre chose, qui ouvre la voie à la grâce qui transforme les âmes humaines”. Son histoire est un guide pour nous tous afin que nous trouvions sa grâce dans notre douleur”. – Mgr William D. Byrne, évêque de Springfield, Massachusetts

La douleur de la grâce : Vivre et souffrir dans la dignité est exactement ce que le titre proclame – et plus encore. Il s’agit de l’histoire passionnante d’une vie imprégnée de douleur physique et de souffrance spirituelle, mais plus encore de la grâce et de l’amour de Dieu. Chaque lecteur devrait se sentir concerné par les réflexions sincères de Joni Seith, depuis les premiers souvenirs de sa famille de naissance jusqu’à ceux d’une épouse et d’une mère aimante à travers des décennies de luttes et de triomphes, alors que ses enfants grandissent jusqu’à l’âge adulte en tant qu’enfants de Dieu. Tout lecteur atteint d’une maladie physique grave devrait trouver un réconfort particulier, une motivation et même de bons moments de rire dans cette belle histoire qui montre comment toutes sortes d’adversités peuvent être transformées par la grâce de Dieu au bénéfice de ceux qui souffrent et de tous ceux qui ont la chance de partager leur vie avec eux. Une lecture glorieuse !” – Kevin Vost, Psy.D., auteur de Memorize the Latin Mass !

“Joni Seith a ouvert une fenêtre sur la grâce sanctifiante et vivifiante que Dieu dispense librement à travers ses mémoires relatant les nombreuses décennies pendant lesquelles elle a souffert du syndrome d’Ehlers Danlos avec amour et dignité.” – Cameron Fradd, “Among the Lilies” (Parmi les lys)

“Les mots de La douleur de la grâce ont émergé de manière unique à travers les larmes. L’auteure Joni Seith a pleuré tout au long de son écriture parce que, tout simplement, elle était souvent à l’agonie. Les lecteurs verseront des larmes pour une raison différente : ils seront transpercés et emportés dans une chaleureuse étreinte de la manière dont une personne fait face à la douleur de toute une vie et s’en remet au Christ. Seith offre aux lecteurs une méditation profonde sur la manière dont on amène le travail physique et émotionnel – et les crises de désespoir – au Golgotha. L’humour insolent qui émaille son récit rend l’omnibus de Seith sur la souffrance rédemptrice d’autant plus poignant et efficace. La croix est rarement évoquée aujourd’hui ; heureusement, le récit vivifiant de Seith met en lumière son poids éternel. Bravo ! – Kevin Wells, auteur de Burst, Priest and Beggar, et The Priests We Need to Save the Church (Les prêtres dont nous avons besoin pour sauver l’Église)

“Avec clarté, charme et honnêteté, Joni Seith partage avec ses lecteurs son parcours de vie transformateur d’une manière qui nous inspire à réfléchir à nos propres fardeaux et bénédictions, et à embrasser l’espoir comme une réalité, et la foi comme un but et une célébration. En voyageant avec elle – à travers des pages de douleur et de persévérance, et des moments de découverte et d’approfondissement de la spiritualité – nous recevons la vérité des hauts et des bas, des larmes et des rires, de la perte et de la nostalgie – qui se révèlent tous comme des occasions de vivre plus sagement, et de connaître la présence et l’amour de Dieu d’une manière plus personnelle et plus puissante”. – Jeni Stepanek, PhD, auteur du best-seller du NY Times, Messenger : L’héritage de Mattie J.T. Stepanek & Heartsongs

“Joni Seith a produit un livre incroyablement merveilleux basé sur une vie remarquablement belle. – Sebastian Mahfood, OP, PhD, auteur de The Narrative Spirituality of Dante’s Divine Comedy (La spiritualité narrative de la Divine Comédie de Dante)

“Quelle merveilleuse histoire de vie – pleine d’idées psychologiques et de sagesse spirituelle. Un livre à offrir à toute personne souffrant de douleurs physiques chroniques”. – Ronda Chervin, juive convertie à la foi catholique, professeur de philosophie, écrivain et conférencière

“Toute personne qui a du mal à trouver la paix et un but dans la souffrance devrait lire ce livre ! Nous pensons tous que la souffrance est ce qui nous empêche de vivre une vie paisible et pleine d’objectifs. Les mots de Joni et son parcours personnel révèlent le contraire : à travers le Christ, notre souffrance produit une paix et un but qui nous seraient autrement inaccessibles.” – Jessica Ptomey, PH.D. Auteur de Home in the Church : Vivre une foi catholique incarnée



Joni J. Seith est une convertie au catholicisme issue d’un milieu culturel juif, dont l’histoire de la conversion a été publiée dans Envoy Magazine et diffusée dans l’émission Journey Home d’EWTN. Joni est l’auteur et l’illustratrice de Cloud of Witnesses I et II, et a été la fondatrice et présidente de Biblically Correct, Inc. de 1995 à 2010 et membre du Catholic Marketing Network. En tant que conférencière sur les sujets de la souffrance rédemptrice, de la prière, des saints, des miracles et de sa propre histoire de conversion, Joni aime partager son amour pour l’Église catholique et ses enseignements avec des personnes de tous âges et de toutes confessions. Joni a donné des conférences sur la retraite de carême à des catholiques et à des non-catholiques et a enseigné la théologie du corps à des adolescents. Elle a également donné des cours de RCIA et de CCD. Bien que Joni souffre d’une douleur chronique débilitante et que son état se détériore, cela ne l’a pas empêchée de répandre la joie de l’Évangile que Jésus a transmis par l’intermédiaire de son Épouse souffrante, l’Église. La manière candide et unique de Joni de voir Dieu dans et à travers les souffrances de sa vie est à la fois inspirante et contagieuse.


In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters,...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all...

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Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity by Joni J. Seith Walking her readers through her conversion from a...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems by Francis Etheredge This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor by Marge Giangiulio Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios. En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIOS "En el...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God's Memoir by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD God's Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art,...

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How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution? by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano We have been searching for a satisfying answer to this question nearly all of our adult lives, and both Joe and Ron are almost 80. This journey of 50 years led us on an...

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My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion Kristina R. Olsen This is the conversion story of a Carmelite tertiary. Through a series of spiritual adventures and with the help of supportive friends, professors and spiritual guides, she learned about God's will for her to enter the Catholic...

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The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick Counseled by a priest to put her children in an orphanage after being evicted from her home, Dorothy Cusick's mother, Mary, was in danger of falling into despair. Poetically written, Dorothy's story of how her mother faced...

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Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord by Marge Giangiulio An honest and compelling account of the life of Marge Giangiulio and those touched by an outpouring of God’s goodness and mercy. Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "In today’s noisy, busy world, we...

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Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand! A Conversion Journey from Fundamental Baptist to Roman Catholic By Anne Stokes Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New...

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Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God's Face: A Catholic American Woman in India by Kiki Latimer My mother taught me at a young age the old adage that: life isn't fair. But we were living, growing up, in a country, the United States of America, that was founded on the idea of justice for all,...

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Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Whoever can make a recording of this hymn, please do so, and we'll share it with the world!Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH by Deacon Charles Louis Durban This book is dedicated to and is about the merciful and at times semi-miraculous...

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The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim. Barbara Lorenzo’s Miracle Mission at Medjugorje. The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with...

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A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing   by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes and Deacon Larry Oney   Racial eruptions continue to highlight our need for deeper racial healing. This book begins with two contrasting stories of a black deacon and a white bishop. They...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the...

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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

"The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in...

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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life

by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist.

Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all religious orders had been suppressed. By God’s grace, he was able to join the Cistercian Order which continued to operate underground. After living as an underground monk for three years until the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against the mighty Soviet Union, since at that time the western border was open, he (with other young Cistercians) was sent to Rome to study, then to Texas at the Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey, founded by refugee Hungarian monks during the 1950s. Fr. Julius has been living at this monastery and teaching at the Abbey’s prep school for nearly fifty years. Read about the exciting and perilous young life of this Hungarian American priest and the interesting transformation of a refugee ethnic religious community into a flourishing American monastery.

Paperback $19.95 | Kindle $9.99




Born and raised in Hungary, in 1953 Fr. Julius clandestinely entered the Cistercian abbey of Zirc, which had been suppressed by the communist government. After three years of formation conducted underground and in hiding, he left Hungary in 1956 to study theology in Rome. After earning his doctorate in theology in 1964, he joined fellow Hungarian refugees at Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey, which had been founded just a few years earlier. In 2011 Fr. Julius retired from the Abbey’s prep school, where he taught for 46 years, including serving as librarian for 20 years. He translated and published The Auschwitz Journal, the chronicle of Klára Kardos, a Hungarian Catholic of Jewish background, who survived the Nazi concentration camps.


In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne

In Whom I Am Well Pleased by Edward T. Byrne Your child’s suicide feels like the biggest parental failure of all.  Any parent wants to be prepared for the worst, but no one ever anticipates the horror actually happening until it is too late.  In alternating chapters,...

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All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O. Cist

All is Grace! My Life by Fr. Julius D. Lelóczky, O.Cist. Son of a baker, Julius Lelóczky was supposed to continue the family business, the French style patisserie. He instead felt he was called to be a monk and priest, during a time when in communist Hungary all...

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Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity

Women of Grace with Johnette Benkovic (September 11 & 12, 2023) - When God Offers Us the Cross: Steps to Mining the Treasure, Part 1 and Part 2Pain of Grace: Living and Suffering with Dignity by Joni J. Seith Walking her readers through her conversion from a...

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An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems

An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poems by Francis Etheredge This book began as a failed article about gardening; however, having written one, several more followed and so it became a short book, wonderfully enriched by the criticisms of my eldest daughter and a...

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Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No para Nosotros, Señor

Non Nobis Domine: No Para Nosotros, Señor by Marge Giangiulio Un relato honesto y convincente de la vida de Marge Giangiulio y de las personas afectadas por una efusión de la bondad y la misericordia de Dios. En rústica: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIOS "En el...

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God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God’s Memoir by Kristina Olsen

God's Memoir by Kristina Olsen, OCDS, PhD God's Memoir invites you into the mind of God in an imaginative exploration of how God might think about Bible events and our lives today. We consider Creation, the birth of Jesus and the role of the family, as well as art,...

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How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution? by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano We have been searching for a satisfying answer to this question nearly all of our adult lives, and both Joe and Ron are almost 80. This journey of 50 years led us on an...

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My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion by Kristina R. Olsen

My Catholic Conversion Kristina R. Olsen This is the conversion story of a Carmelite tertiary. Through a series of spiritual adventures and with the help of supportive friends, professors and spiritual guides, she learned about God's will for her to enter the Catholic...

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The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick

The Daughter of the King by Dorothy Cusick Counseled by a priest to put her children in an orphanage after being evicted from her home, Dorothy Cusick's mother, Mary, was in danger of falling into despair. Poetically written, Dorothy's story of how her mother faced...

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Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord

Non Nobis Domine: Not Unto Us, O Lord by Marge Giangiulio An honest and compelling account of the life of Marge Giangiulio and those touched by an outpouring of God’s goodness and mercy. Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 TESTIMONIALS "In today’s noisy, busy world, we...

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Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand!

Will the Real Church Please Stand! A Conversion Journey from Fundamental Baptist to Roman Catholic By Anne Stokes Born into a devoutly Fundamentalist Baptist home, and baptized at the age of six, I was raised to believe that Baptists practiced the truest form of New...

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Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God’s Face: A Catholic American Woman in India

Seeing God's Face: A Catholic American Woman in India by Kiki Latimer My mother taught me at a young age the old adage that: life isn't fair. But we were living, growing up, in a country, the United States of America, that was founded on the idea of justice for all,...

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Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH

Whoever can make a recording of this hymn, please do so, and we'll share it with the world!Adventures with the Holy Spirit: A Journey with RUACH by Deacon Charles Louis Durban This book is dedicated to and is about the merciful and at times semi-miraculous...

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The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with God

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace. Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim. Barbara Lorenzo’s Miracle Mission at Medjugorje. The Call to Prayer: Intimate Moments with...

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A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing

A Gospel Path to Racial Healing   by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes and Deacon Larry Oney   Racial eruptions continue to highlight our need for deeper racial healing. This book begins with two contrasting stories of a black deacon and a white bishop. They...

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Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith

For more on Medjugorje, check out these other En Route books! Penny Abbruzzese's Medjugorje: My Lifelong Journey with Our Lady, Queen of Peace Peter Breen's Prodigal Pilgrim Forrest Yanke’s The Call to Prayer Miracle Mission to Medjugorje: A Journey of Faith by...

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Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad

Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) by Aqif Shahzad Memoir of Grace (Children of the Cross) helps us to see the wonders and miracles that God has provided through the works of Mary Kloska, a woman from the first world who has touched the hearts of those in the...

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Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

Eugenio Zolli: Prophet for a New World

"The life of Eugenio Zolli, chief rabbi of Rome during the Second World War, is in itself a prophesy for a new world. After years of research that led to the publication of the French edition, I am happy to present this book to an American public. From his studies in...

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Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma by Alex Gotay

Dear Momma: “Views” from a Wayward Child, Convert, Ex-Jarhead, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to a Son of Mary Alex Gotay How do Mary and Hip Hop connect?  Keep reading…Mary has many dense theological points that sometimes miss points of prayer for the average teen...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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