Originally published as Father Benedict Groeschel: A Conversational Biography, © Good Counsel Homes, 2014.Target Heaven: What You Didn't Know About Father Benedict Groeschel by Good Counsel, Inc. Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, SV, opens this book by proclaiming Fr....
Theology of the Heart: Tracing a Spiritual Anatomy Within by Sr. M. Gianna Casino, LIHM
Theology of the Heart: Tracing a Spiritual Anatomy Within
by Sr. M. Gianna Casino, LIHM
In a world increasingly defined by fleeting pursuits, the human heart remains an enigmatic realm, harboring profound mysteries and the deepest longings of the individual. Just as the human body holds theological meaning towards the purpose of man, the human heart holds a significant theological and teleological meaning. Based on the truth that there is more to life than what meets the eye, Theology of the Heart: Tracing the Spiritual Anatomy Within is a book that embarks on an exploration of the human heart integrating through a weaving of ancient wisdom, philosophical psychology, and the spirituality of Augustine and Aquinas, and back to the words of Christ in the Gospel. This book offers readers an opportunity to delve into the very essence of what it means to be human and what makes us tick.
The book also responds directly to one of the last requests of Pope John Paul II as it delves into the intricate and often misunderstood realm of human suffering – he mentions that there is a place for the mystery of suffering in Theology of the Body and expresses hope for future development. Theology of the Heart does not neglect the biological foundation of the human person that prepares readers for a fundamental yet enlightening philosophical insight into the human interior. The audience is aimed at young men and women who are in formation for marriage or consecrated life who could benefit from a prequel in order to understand Theology of the Body and approach the mystery of suffering in their respective vocation.
Paperback: $TBA | Kindle: $9.99
Sr. Mary Gianna Casino, a missionary of the Leaven of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, desired to become a nun from the age of 5. With a unique blend of perspectives as a Catholic sister, educator, and counseling student, her writings have appeared in Augustine Institute’s FORMED Newsletter, One Voice Magazine, and Columbia Magazine. She holds degrees in Philosophy and Theology from Holy Apostles College & Seminary, currently pursues a M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Divine Mercy University and is a postgraduate trainee of School & Global Mental Health at Harvard Medical School. Sister taught at several schools including Don Manuel Rivera National High School in the Philippines, Sacred Heart Elementary, and St. Bernard College Prep School in Cullman, Alabama. As a member of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Sr. Gianna aims to integrate her community’s mission of forming the young, to better address society’s pressing spiritual needs. She and her sisters host a children’s YouTube series “LIHMposts” and the podcast “Young Davids: Change the Trend.” In reaching the hearts of today’s generation, they strive to make the teachings of the Catholic faith accessible and enjoyable.
Target Heaven: What You Didn’t Know about Father Benedict Groeschel
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