La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer by Mary Kloska

La Santidad de la Mujer

por Mary Kloska, traducido por Alicia Izaguirre

La Santidad de la Mujer es un libro de retiro para mujeres. Hay un gran misterio rodeando el don de la femineidad que Dios quiere que la gente atesore y proteja.  Este libro describe los varios dones que Dios le ha encomendado a las mujeres (más exactamente ha hecho que sea la mujer) y su papel como compañera y madre. Este libro también se refiere al llamado de Dios hacia una mujer en una vocación específica, su don de pureza, y su vida interior única en lo que se refiere a la Cruz, la Eucaristía y la Oración.

Paperback: $14.99 | Kindle: $9.99

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Retiro sobre La Santidad de la Mujer


El Corazón del amor crucificado Fiat



“Agarré este libro, y no lo pude soltar, hasta darle vuelta a la última página… y soy un hombre! Si me cautivo a mí, hasta tal punto, solo puedo maravillarme del extraordinario efecto que tendrá en las mujeres! Este libro es tan singularmente hermoso, que no sería una sorpresa, si con el tiempo, es reconocido como un clásico en la literatura de las mujeres Católicas.  Yo animaría a cada mujer a leer este tratado, y aferrarse a él, para toda su vida… seguir recurriendo a él; y finalmente… dejarlo como una reliquia especial, para alguien a quien ama mucho.” – Lawrence Edward Tucker, SOLT, Autor de La Redención de San Isidro; A Quien el Corazón Decidió Amar; Aventuras en la Alegría del Padre; La Oración de Jesús Crucificado; y el nuevo Álbum/CD de música católica, So Shine by brothersister

“Mary Kloska se encarga de una importante, aunque muy descuidada cuestión: las diferencias reales entre las mujeres y los hombres, con un enfoque sobre el impacto de esas diferencias, en la espiritualidad de las mujeres. La alegría de leer esto, es que en lugar del enojo que a veces acompaña estos problemas, Mary, gentil y calmadamente observa las diferencias y celebra a ambas, aun cuando pone su atención en los dones espirituales de las mujeres. Yo, un hombre, he dirigido a mujeres, y conozco un número de mujeres que dan dirección espiritual a los hombres, sin embargo, los puntos de vista de Mary, en la vida espiritual de las mujeres, ofrece muchas más ideas, de las que yo puedo ofrecer. Sumado a esto, su experiencia viene de lo que ha vivido en cuatro continentes, entre gente muy diversa – Norte América, Europa, África y Asia, lo que le da amplitud a sus ideas. Su propia vida espiritual, es la fuente obvia de su profundidad. Su libro es una ayuda profunda en el desarrollo espiritual de la mujer.”– Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, presidente y fundador de Ignatius Productions,  y compañero mayor del Centro San Pablo,  de Teología Bíblica

“¡Qué hermoso retiro para mujeres! Me encanta. Está lleno de ideas profundas. Te puedo asegurar, al leer este libro… que está lleno de alegría y de paz, que realmente me ayudó,  a mi edad de 82 (a pesar de que escribí un libro completo sobre mujeres, y muchos libros que uso, yo misma, en retiros). Aun así, encontré nuevas ideas en este libro. Así que, aunque hayas estado en retiros para mujeres, esto te podría dar algo Nuevo y muy importante.” – Dr. Ronda Chervin, líder de docenas de retiros para mujeres, y autora de Feminine (Femenina), Free (Libre), y Faithful (Fiel)

La Santidad de la Mujer contiene mucha Sabiduría y Verdad, para cualquier mujer que quiere realmente convertirse en lo que Dios quiere que sea. Habiendo vivido, a través del levantamiento de la liberación de la mujer en los sesentas y los setentas, lo que dio comienzo a la salida de toneladas de literatura sobre las mujeres, lo que únicamente contaminó la mente, encuentro este libro refrescante. Da una vuelta divina a la femineidad, y tiene muchas riquezas para cualquier mujer que quiera ser una mujer de Dios.”   – Clare R. Ten Eyck, Ed.D., Terapista Católico y Director de Retiros

“El retiro para mujeres, de Mary Kloska, especialmente al principio de sus veinte, establece los principios para motivar la verdadera identidad de una joven que se está formando. Más aun, una madre de familia puede encontrar en este libro, fácil de leer y de reflexionar, ideas prácticas para ayudar a sus hijas a madurar, hacia un sentido profundo de maternidad potencial. Entonces ella puede reconocer, realmente, un esposo auténtico, que la ame y ame a sus hijos, en un matrimonio con amor sacrificial.”– Padre Basil Cole, Profesor de Teología Moral, espiritual y dogmática, de la Casa de Estudios Dominicana

“Este libro provee una muy necesaria visión de la auténtica feminidad, y debe ser leído por mujeres jóvenes y adultas, que desean  profundizar más en sus vocaciones individuales, y en su significado y propósito, como hija del Rey..” – Theresa A. Thomas, Madre de seis hijas, 15-años de columnista familiar en “Today’s Catholic News” (Noticias Católicas de hoy), Contribuyente para el website Vida Católica Integrada, Intercambio Católico, escritora independiente y autora de Big Hearted: Inspirando Historias de las familias de todos los días (Scepter, 2013)

Sobre el Autor 

Mary Kloska es de Elkhart, Indiana, y ha vivido una vida única. Al graduarse de Notre Dame en l999, dedicó 20 años en la misiones sirviendo a los pobres (incluyendo huérfanos) como también orando como una ermitaña consagrada alrededor del mundo—Siberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Sur África, Las Filipinas, México, Tierra Santa, como también por toda Europa. Ella disfruta tocar guitarra, pintar íconos, hornear, la jardinería, leer, escribir, y simplemente ayudar donde haya una necesidad más grande en la iglesia. Su programa de Radio WCAT: “El Corazón del Amor Crucificado Fiat”, puede ser encontrado en

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Aiuta Dante, Aiuta l’Italia

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Aiuta Dante, Aiuta l’Italia

Una nuova traduzione di Daniel Fitzpatrick accompagnata dalla nuove sculture di Timothy Schmalz

Fai una donazione oggi stesso!

Nella celebrazione del settimo centenario della “Divina Commedia”

Dante Alighieri cominciò a scrivere la Divina Commedia, opera che segue i passi del progresso di un pellegrino verso la nostra vera casa in cielo, nell’anno 1308 e completò il suo lavoro nell’anno 1320, con pubblicazione nel 1321 (lo stesso anno in cui morí). La Divina Commedia inizia in una selva oscura di disperazione e finisce nella visione beatifica di Dante che entra completamente nel pensiero divino.

In questa nuova traduzione, scritta nel corso del periodo di settimo centenario tra il completamento e la pubblicazione, e meravigliosamente illustrata dalle sculture di Timothy Schmalz, Daniel Fitzpatrick rende il lavoro accessibile ai lettori del 21esimo secolo nella celebrazione del settimo centenario della morte di Dante.

La traduzione e le opere hanno iniziato ad essere distribuiti via email al ritmo di 2 Canti per settimana (ogni Mercoledí e ogni Domenica) a partire dal 25 Marzo 2020, il primo “Dantedì”, giorno dedicato alla celebrazione dei poeta fiorentino. La distribuzione verrà completata entro il 25 Marzo 2021, in tempo per la fine della celebrazione del settimo centenario.

Per riceverlo nella tua email, è richiesta una donazione minima di 5 USD per mezzo del nostro “GoFundMe” cliccando qui. Coloro che doneranno 50 dollari o più riceveranno in aggiunta una copia gratuita della prima edizione, Inferno, che verrà pubblicata nell’estate 2020. Coloro che doneranno 100 dollari o più riceveranno una copia gratuita della prima edizione dell’Inferno e del Purgatorio. Coloro che doneranno 150 dollari o più riceveranno una copia gratuita dell’Inferno, del Purgatorio e del Paradiso. Coloro che doneranno 250 dollari o più riceveranno copie di tute e tre i libri ed inoltre una scultura di dimensioni maggiori. Nota: le copie omaggio verranno spedite non appena verranno completate nel corso dell’anno. Inoltrate il vostro indirizzo per la consegna a Sebastian Mahfood a

Dante Alighieri


La Selva Oscura – 25 Marzo 2020 Il Pensiero di Dio – 25 Marzo 2021

Il traduttore

Daniel Fitzpatrick è cresciuto a New Orleans, Louisiana, ha studiato Filosofia presso l’Università di Dallas e presso lo Holy Apostles College & Seminary, e vive ad Hot Springs, Arkansas, con sua moglie e i suoi due figli. Le sue poesie e i suoi testi sono stati pubblicati e diffusi ampiamente. Il suo primo romanzo, “Only the Lover Sings”, è stato pubblicato da En Route Books and Media nel 2020.


Per oltre 25 anni, l’artista Timothy Schmalz ha realizzato sculture di grandi dimensioni. Timothy fa parte della corrente di artisti figurativi e le sue opere sono state installate in tutto il mondo. Alcune delle sue opere più note sono installate in chiese storiche di Roma e in Vaticano. Timothy si descrive come un traduttore visuale delle Bibbia. In questa sua collezione di sculture, Timothy fornisce una traduzione visuale di uno dei più grandi poemi d’amore che l’Italia abbia mai prodotto.


Schiffer, Kathy. “Celebrare Dante e Aiuta a combattere il Coronavirus: Nuove sculture e una nuova traduzione che riporta vita alla Divina Commedia.” National Catholic Register. 30 Marzo 2020. Leggi l’articolo qui.

Editoriale. “The Dante 700 Project by Timothy Schmalz.” La Gazzetta Italiana. Aprile, 2020. Leggi l’articolo qui

Timothy Schmalz, Scultore

Inferno – Canto I (March 25, 2020 – Dantedì!)

In the midst of the journey of our life
I returned to myself through a shadowy wood,
for the right way was barred.

Ah! How very hard it is to tell
the way of that wood, so savage and harsh and strong
that to dwell in it renews the fear!

Death itself can barely be more bitter.
But to tell you all the good I found,
I will speak of the other things I saw.

How I came to that place I can’t well recount,
filled with sleep as I was at that point
where I forsook the fine way.

But then I found the foot of a hill,
there where that valley that pierced
my heart with fear had failed.

I looked to the height and saw its shoulders
clothed in the early rays of that planet
that takes us straight through every road.

And now the fear that had burned
in the lake of my heart through that night
I’d passed with such distress was quieted a bit.

And as one who, with labored breathing
escapes from the fury of the sea to the shore
and turns to gaze on the perilous water,

so my soul, still fleeing,
turned around to marvel more at the pass
no living person ever left.

Then when I’d composed my weary body a bit,
I took up the way through the desert slope again,
my firm foot always the lower.

And look! Close to the start of the steep
was a leopard, light, so swift,
and covered with a spotted pelt;

and it refused to turn from me
and so much impeded my path
that I was often turned to descend.

It was the time of the morning’s return,
and the sun was climbing with those stars
that were with him when divine love

first moved those beauties;
so that despite that beast in its gaudy pelt
there still was cause to hope

in the time and in the sweet season;
but hardly had the fear left
when the sight of a lion appeared to me.

He seemed to come against me
with his head held high and with rabid hunger;
even the air appeared to tremble.

And a wolf, full of all longing,
who seemed a carcass in her thinness
and makes many live in wretchedness,

this so yoked my soul with the weight
of the fear that rushed up at the sight of her
That I lost the hope of the summit.

And as much as the one who soars in his gains
when the time comes that he must lose them
begins to weep in all his thought,

so did the pacing beast make me,
that, coming against me, little by little
repelled me to where the sun is silent.

While I retreated to the low ground,
there, ahead, a faint figure was shown to my eyes
through the long silence.

When I saw him in that great desert
I cried out to him, “Have mercy on me,
whatever it is you are, whether shade or certain man.”

He replied: “Not a man, though man I was,
and my parents were from Lombardy,
both Mantuans by birth.

I was born beneath Caesar, though it was late,
and I lived in Rome under good Augustus
in the time of the false gods.

I was a poet, and I sang that just
son of Anchises who came from Troy
then when proud Ilium was burned.

But why are you returning to such suffering?
why do you not ascend the delightful mountain,
the source and cause of all joy?”

“Are you then Vergil, that fountain
pouring forth so rich a flow of speech?”
I answered him, my brow clouded with shame.

“O honor and light of other poets,
let the long study and the great love
that made me so search your work avail me.

You are my master and my maker,
you alone are him from whom I took
the lovely style that made my fame.

You see the beast from whom I turned;
protect me from her, famous sage,
from her who makes my blood and pulses falter.”

“For you there is another way to be taken,”
he said on seeing me weeping,
“if you wish to escape this savage place;

since this beast by whom you cry
allows no man to pass her way
but harries him so harshly as to kill him;

and her nature is so wicked and fierce
that her yearning want is never appeased
and after the feast is more famished than before.

many are the beasts by which she mates,
and still there will be more before the hound
should come to make her die hatefully.

This hound won’t eat of lands or riches
but of wisdom, love, and strength,
and his birth will be between felt and felt.

He will be the salvation of lowly Italy
for which the virgin Camilla, Euryalus
and Turnus and Nisus died by iron.

this hound will hunt her in every village,
until he’s returned her to the fire
from which the primal envy loosed her.

Thus for your sake I think you ought
to follow me, and I will be your guide,
and I will lead you from here through an endless place;

there you’ll hear the desperate shrieks,
you’ll see the ancient suffering souls,
crying out in their second death;

and you will see those content
in the flame for hope of coming among the blessed,
whenever that should be.

If then you should wish to rise to those,
you’ll find a worthier soul than I:
I’ll leave you with her in my parting;

for that emperor who reigns on high,
because I was a rebel to his law,
wills not that I should come into his city.

He reigns in every part and there he rules,
there is his city and the high seat;
oh, happy is he elected to be there!”

And I to him: “Poet, I entreat you
by that God you knew not,
that I might flee this evil and worse,

guide me to that city you’ve described,
that I might see St. Peter’s door
and those you call so sorrowful.”
And so he moved on, and I came close behind.

Finding Our Way to God: Spiritual Direction and the Moral Life

Finding Our Way to God: Spiritual Direction and the Moral Life

This course deals with the relationship between spiritual direction and the moral life. It comes out of the Catholic tradition, more specifically, from the moral and spiritual mindset of St. Alphonsus de Liguori, doctor of the Church, patron saint of confessors and moral theologians, and the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. It does not claim to be an exhaustive treatment of either spiritual direction or the moral life. Its purpose is to examine the relationship between the two and, in the spirit of Alphonsus, do so in a way that is simple, practical, pastoral, focused on the poor and marginalized, and easy to implement. It wishes to make sound spiritual direction accessible to as many people as possible and to offer it across boundaries that, more often than not, have kept people apart, rather than united. It is a practical primer for an approach to spiritual direction that looks to the future by reflecting on the past and learning how both impinge upon the decisions of the present.

Get this course for only $50!Download the course syllabus for free!

Finding our Way to God: Spiritual Direction and the Moral Life

“In his book Finding our Way to God: Spiritual Direction and the Moral Life, Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R., clearly outlines the necessary elements of spiritual direction, providing the best practical description of the process of spiritual direction that I have ever seen. May this treasure be read and used by many in their search for deeper intimacy with God.” – Sister Marysia Weber, author of The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator

“Participation in the course provided great benefits intellectually and spiritually that I can use in my ministry in religious education.” – Patricia Topper, first student to complete the course

Part 1: The Moorings in Spiritual Direction

Be sure to purchase this course before clicking on the videos!

After completing the videos and reading for this part of the course, click on any of the social media icons below and post a response to this prompt: Describe your understanding of spiritual direction and the impact you feel it would have/has had on your life. (75-100 words or as appropriate to the medium chosen)

Module 1 - What is Spiritual Direction?
Module 2 - The Relationships of Spiritual Direction
Module 3 - Integrating Spirituality and Morality
Module 4 - Listening
Module 5 - Prayer

Part 2: An Alphonsian Approach to Spiritual Direction

Be sure to purchase this course before clicking on the videos!

After completing the videos and reading for this part of the course, click on any of the social media icons below and post a response to this prompt: How might the dynamics of Alphonsian mental prayer/meditation affect your approach to spiritual direction? (75-100 words or as appropriate to the medium)

Module 6 - The Spiritual Legacy of St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Module 7 - Interpreting St. Alphonsus Today
Module 8 - An Alphonsian Model of Spiritual Direction
Module 9 - The Qualities of an Alphonsian Director
Module 10 - A Session of Alphonsian Direction (PDF)

Part 3: Spiritual Direction and the Moral Life

Be sure to purchase this course before clicking on the videos!

After completing the videos and reading for this part of the course, click on any of the social media icons below and post a response to this prompt: What connections do you see between spiritual direction and the moral life that may be helpful to you in your work? (75-100 words or as appropriate to the medium)

Module 11 - The Moral Dimensions of Prayer
Module 12 - The Spiritual Journey
Module 13 - The Way of Virtue
Module 14 - The Gifts of the Spirit
Module 15 - Attending to the Virtues and Gifts in Spiritual Direction

Part 4: Dialoguing with Other Traditions

Be sure to purchase this course before clicking on the videos!

After completing the videos and reading for this part of the course, click on any of the social media icons below and post a response to this prompt: What role does spiritual direction play within your religious, philosophical, or ethical tradition? (75-100 words or as appropriate to the medium)

Module 16 - An Open View of Spirituality
Module 17 - Natural Law and Interspirituality
Module 18 - Embracing One's Tradition
Module 19 - A Suggested Template
Module 20 - Living in the Gap

The New Media and Religious Life

The New Media and Religious Life

Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put That Phone Down

by Sister Marysia Weber, RSM

Have you ever had an irresistible urge to check your texts, social media posts or email updates when your cell phone rings, beeps or buzzes? Is the amount of time spent on your cell phone increasing? Do you text, access social media or open your email account while driving? Do you find yourself mindlessly checking your cell phone many times a day even when you know there is likely nothing new or important to see?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you! This study by Sister Marysia Weber, R.S.M., sheds necessary light on the reasons for our behavior in a screen-addicted world and provides methods for rehabilitating ourselves toward a more proper use of our technologies.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99 (ISBN-13: 978-1-950108-08-4)

<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>


“Some of us used to be day-dreamers, which was quite harmless unless we lost contact with reality. Nowadays most of us have become day-YouTubers – also quite harmless until you lose contact with people around you. It can become a serious addiction, a screen-addiction. That’s what Sister Marysia Weber writes about in this terrific book. Being a certified psychiatrist, she knows what she is talking about. Not only is the book extremely informative, but also very practical by giving us powerful tools to help ourselves, our kids, our teenagers, and our young adults. It’s a goldmine.” – Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren, Human Geneticist
“Sister Marysia Weber, R.S.M., has produced in her book Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put That Phone Down a useful explanation for why we’re increasingly engaging our social media devices and practical solutions for how to end our addictive behavior for our personal health and social well-being.” – Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, founder of the Catholic Distance Learning Network


Relevant Radio – The Drew Mariani Show: intro & discussion with Sister begins at 42:25, ends 53:31:

<a class="spreaker-player" href="" data-resource="episode_id=16105028" data-width="100%" data-height="200px" data-theme="light" data-playlist="false" data-playlist-continuous="false" data-autoplay="false" data-live-autoplay="false" data-chapters-image="true" data-episode-image-position="right" data-hide-logo="false" data-hide-likes="false" data-hide-comments="false" data-hide-sharing="false" data-hide-download="true">Listen to "Carlos Bersabe interviews Sister Marysia about her upcoming book about social media devices" on Spreaker.</a> <script async src=""></script>

Council of Major Superior of Women Religious presents…

The New Media and Religious Life: How an Awareness of the Benefits and Risks of Electronic Media Assists and Hinders the Consecrated Religious in Communicating the Love of Jesus Christ

Sister Marysia Weber, RSM, D.O., and Sister Mary Prudence Allen, RSM, Ph.D.

WCAT TV Presents . . . Introduction to The New Media and Religious Life

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session I, Part A

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session I, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session II, Part A

WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session II, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session III, Part A

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session III, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session IV, Part A

WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session IV, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Introduction to the Second Half

WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session V, Part A

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session V, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VI, Part A

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VI, Part B

WCAT TV presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VII, Part A

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VII, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VIII, Part A

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Session VIII, Part B

WCAT TV Presents . . . The New Media and Religious Life, Conclusion


Sister Marysia is a Religious Sister of Mercy of Alma, MI who is a physician, board certified in psychiatry with a fellowship in consultation-liaison psychiatry, who trained at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  She also holds a Master’s degree in Theology from Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana.  She practiced psychiatry at her religious institute’s multidisciplinary medical clinic, Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Center in Alma, MI from 1988-2014. She became the Director of the Office of Consecrated Life for the Archdiocese of Saint Louis in 2014. She is a facilitator for Rachel’s Vineyard, is chair of the board of directors of MyCatholicDoctor, an executive board member of the Saint Louis Guild Catholic Medical Association and the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. She also serves as Adjunct Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Sister Marysia offers workshops on a variety of topics including human attachment, boundaries and character development, depression and anxiety, dialogue and conflict resolution, as well as on social media and its effects on the brain for clergy, seminarians, women’s and men’s religious communities, parents, teachers and students. She is a formator within her own religious community. She presents on Internet pornography addiction—a Catholic approach to treatment to bishops, clergy, seminarians, religious communities, and laity throughout the United States and Europe She presented to the U.S. Bishops in Dallas TX in 1992 on “Pedophilia and Other Addictions”.  She was a member of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse in 1994-1995.  Sister Marysia has presented to the Curia, Vatican City State on “Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clergy in North America” in 2002.  She has served as a psychological expert consultant for the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, USCCB.

Sister Marysia’s publications include “Medical Aspects of Addiction”;  “The Roman Catholic Church and the Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Religious in the United States and Canada: What Have We Learned? Where Are We Going?”; “Pornography, Electronic Media and Priestly Formation”;  Her publications in Seminary Journal include: “Significant Markers of Human Maturation Applied to the Selection and Formation of Seminarians”; “The Discernment of a Priestly Vocation and the Expertise of Psychiatry and Psychology”; and “Internet Pornography and Priestly Formation: Medium and Content Collide With the Human Brain”.  She has published two books: The Art of Accompaniment: Practical Steps for the Seminary Formator  ( and Screen Addiction: Why You Can’t Put that Phone Down  (  Her chapter “Guideposts for the Seminary Formator in Understanding and Assessing Levels of Preoccupation with Use of Internet Pornography and a Formative Process for Moving from Vice to Virtue” in Spiritual Husband-Spiritual Fathers: Priestly Formation for the 21st Century is pending publication.


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Welcome to the Website of Ronda Chervin!

Welcome to the Website of Ronda Chervin!

Ronda Chervin has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University and an M.A. in Religious Studies from Notre Dame Apostolic Institute. She is a convert to the Catholic faith from a Jewish but atheistic background.

Dr. Ronda has been a professor at Loyola Marymount University, St. John’s Seminary of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, and Holy Apostles in Connecticut. Dr. Ronda presents on EWTN and Catholic radio. She is a dedicated widow and grandmother.

More than sixty books of hers have been published by Catholic presses in the area of philosophy and spirituality. Her many books include Quotable SaintsHealing Meditations from the Gospel of St. JohnCatholic RealismVoyage to InsightWeeping with JesusHealing of Rejection and Escaping Anxiety.