On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima

For ongoing updates to this discussion, please visit Kevin’s website at Special thanks: In addition to those named within the book as translators, En Route Books and Media would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Michela Ferri, who proofed...

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Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel

Rigidez: Fidelidade ou Heterodoxia? por Pedro Gabriel "Porque é que o Papa Francisco está sempre a criticar os católicos fiéis?" é uma pergunta frequentemente repetida sempre que o Santo Padre faz uma das suas habituais invectivas contra a rigidez religiosa. De facto,...

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Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy by Pedro Gabriel

Rigidity: Faithfulness or Heterodoxy? by Pedro Gabriel “Why is Pope Francis always criticizing faithful Catholics?” is an oft-repeated question whenever the Holy Father makes one of his usual invectives against religious rigidity. Francis has indeed made such...

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Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith

Contemporary Sacred Art: Conversations on Art & Faith by Dr. Michela Beatrice Ferri In translation now from the Italian. Buy it in the original language here: What is the so-called “Contemporary Sacred Art”? In her book, Michela Beatrice Ferri inquires about the...

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Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith

Elements of Christianity: The Beauty of the Christian Faith by Tonino Vicari This book attempts to make accessible to the average reader the basic elements of Church teaching concerning morality, natural law, and supernatural truths that have been passed down through...

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The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes

The Nostalgia for a New Christendom by Mario Ramos-Reyes Mario Ramos-Reyes explains the political schizophrenia of mid-20th century Latin America and the healing process that sought to fill the void between Enlightenment liberalism and the Catholic tradition. The cure...

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Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV

Consuming Love: Discovering Christ the Bridegroom in Holy Communion by Fr. Gregory Cleveland, OMV The Eucharist is the “sacrament of love.” Jesus Christ is the true Bridegroom of our hearts, and it is he whom we receive in holy Communion. Even if you have received our...

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Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel

Heresia Disfarçada de Tradição por Pedro Gabriel Uma afirmação muito difundida nos círculos católicos atuais é que se pode ignorar os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco ou do Concílio Vaticano II se eles ensinarem algo que parece ir contra a tradição. Será que isso é...

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Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique

Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique by James Likoudis with essays selected and edited by Andrew Likoudis Unpacking Palamism: A Catholic Critique, penned by esteemed scholar Dr. James Likoudis, meticulously scrutinizes the doctrines of Palamism, a theological...

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The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism

The Lord of the Rings and Catholicism: Exploring the Christian Roots of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Madeleine Dobrowski This book explores the Catholic themes that can be found in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is written for all lovers of Tolkien, Catholic or...

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Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm

Human Nature: Moral Norm by Francis Etheredge There is a 'difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the...

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Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition

Heresy Disguised as Tradition by Pedro Gabriel A widespread assertion in Catholic circles today is that one can disregard the teachings of Pope Francis or the Second Vatican Council if they teach something that seems to go against tradition. Is this the case? In this...

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The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas by Dr. Donald G. Boland The social encyclicals of the Catholic Church provide an opportunity to treat human behavior from a practical moral philosophical point of view grounded in Aristotle as interpreted by Saint Thomas...

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The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and its Application

The Necessity of Knowledge for Love and Its Application by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando not only demonstrates that knowledge is a necessity for love, but he also shows that proper knowledge promotes love. Following the argument of St. Augustine,...

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Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World

Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Unfolding a Post-Roe World is the second edition of what had formerly been entitled The ABCQ of Conceiving Conception. It explores what is involved in grasping the beginning of each of us – but we need the truth to open...

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Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio

Los principios del cambio: La reforma carmelita de Teresa de Ávila y las ideas de la gestión del cambio Kristina R. Olsen Este libro se basa en los principios de gestión del cambio organizacional para examinar la reforma de la Orden Carmelita de Teresa de Ávila en el...

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The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist

The Wonder of the Eucharist: More Voices from the Twentieth Century by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book examines some of the major literary voices from the past century who deepened our understanding of the Eucharist by embedding it in their short stories, novels,...

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Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason

Paradoxes of Faith and Reason by Dr. Shalina Stilley Paradox it is at the very heart of the Gospel message. The Trinity, the Incarnation, the Cross and Resurrection, and the problem of evil are but a few examples of paradoxes of faith and reason. How can God be three...

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Rise and Fall of the American Empire

Rise and Fall of the American Empire

A new book from En Route Books and media critically analyzes how the Republic fashioned by the Framers of the Constitution in 1787 has been transformed into a deep Administrative State ruled by non-elected experts.Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Dr. Richard...

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Reaching for the Resurrection: A Pastoral Bioethics

Reaching for the Resurrection: A Pastoral Bioethics

Reaching for the Resurrection: A Pastoral Bioethics Loneliness, Aloneness, Euthanasia, Meaning, Anorexia, Brain Death, Conversion, and the Death and Resurrection of Christ   by Francis Etheredge Francis Etheredge returns to the subject of bioethics with essays on...

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Principles of Change by Kristina R. Olsen

Principles of Change by Kristina R. Olsen

Principles of Change: Teresa of Avila’s Carmelite Reform and Insights from Change Management Kristina R. Olsen This book draws from organizational change management principles to examine Teresa of Avila’s 16th-century reform of the Carmelite Order. During the last...

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Exploring the Belief in the Real Presence

Exploring the Belief in the Real Presence

Exploring the Belief in the Real Presence (Second Edition) by Dr. David J. Keys When an evangelical minister asked him why one would believe that Jesus is present -- body, blood, soul, and divinity -- in communion, Dr. Keys began an intensive study into the ancient...

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The Biblical Qur’an: A Christian Investigation

The Biblical Qur’an: A Christian Investigation

The Biblical Qur'an: A Christian Investigation by Michael Healy, Jr. Can Christians interpret the Qur’an Christocentricly, as we have always done with the Old Testament? How would such a reading of the Qur’an modify our understanding of Christian and Muslim history?...

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History of Peter

History of Peter

History of Peter by Roger Skrenes Peter is spoken of 195 times in the New Testament, twice as many times as all the other Apostles combined. Today, when Peter is discussed, however, what is most often emphasized is the erratic or sinful side of his personality. Jesus...

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Peter and Wendy

Peter and Wendy

Peter and Wendy: Growing Up in Neverland by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book looks at J. M. Barrie's classic children's story Peter Pan to see what it can tell us about ourselves and our situation today. It discovers in this classic fairy-tale about the boy from...

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Weeds Among Wheat

Weeds Among Wheat

Weeds Among Wheat: L'Arche and the Tainted Legacy of Jean Vanier by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book is about baking the bread of Christian community from the grains of our broken humanity. It is primarily concerned with distinguishing L'Arche's authentic spirituality...

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21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages by Albert Domm

21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages by Albert Domm

21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages by Albert Domm Focused on our Catholic faith, Albert Domm's 21 Centuries of Church History in 21 Pages engages the Catholic reader in a concise but rich history of our Church one full century at a time. A narrative flow, this...

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Romans by Paul, authored by Richard L. Akins

Romans by Paul, authored by Richard L. Akins

Special congratulations to Rick for his being awarded third place in the 2020 Catholic Book Awards contest for best Catholic novel for Rebirth of Nicodemus.Romans by Paul: The Apostle's Defense of Catholic Doctrine by Richard L. Akins We are often challenged in our...

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Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature

Wisdom Literature by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA The seven books of wisdom include Job, the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Wisdom, and Sirach, all of which teach one thing in a universal and essentially poetic manner: wisdom. Wisdom is  a practical...

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Pentateuch by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Pentateuch by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Pentateuch: A Spiritual Interpretation by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA This book gives a special emphasis to a spiritual interpretation of the Pentateuch in a manner that springs forth from and is based on the literal interpretation, in particular the actual words used...

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The Historical Books by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

The Historical Books by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Historical Books by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA This book introduces the historical books of the Old Testament as a way by which all, especially those aspiring to the priesthood, can become familiar with the Old Testament and the various spiritual ways, grounded in...

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Prophetic Literature by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Prophetic Literature by Very Rev. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA

Prophetic Literature by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA This book engages the canonical prophetic literature of the Old Testament, demonstrating how it points to Christ and is fulfilled in Christ. Like Wisdom Literature, prophetic literature teaches perennial moral truths...

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A Study of the New Testament by Rev. John Paul Heil, S.S.D.

A Study of the New Testament by Rev. John Paul Heil, S.S.D.

John Paul Heil is a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Ordained in 1974, he studied at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, where he received his Doctorate in Sacred Scripture in 1979. After teaching at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis for 27 years, he...

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The Meaning of the Eucharist by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

The Meaning of the Eucharist by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R.

The Meaning of the Eucharist by Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book highlights some of the major theological voices from the past century who contributed to a deepening of the Church’s understanding of the significance of the Eucharist and whose efforts came to...

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Taming the Lion Within: A Workshop by Ronda Chervin

Taming the Lion Within: A Workshop by Ronda Chervin

Taming the Lion Within Program Facilitators Guide Download this Workshop Facilitators Guide to assist you in preparing workshops within your own communities. Created by Diana Jump and Carla Conley with voice narration by Jennifer Hurt. Receive a 20% discount on orders...

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Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint

Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint

Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA, STD Eastern Civilization from a Catholic Viewpoint traces the history of East and South East Asia from ancient times to modern times. In the process, the reader is introduced to the various...

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East and South East Asian History

East and South East Asian History

East and South East Asian History by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA East and South East Asian History studies the historical development of countries that make up East Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea) and countries that make up South East...

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In Praise of Life

In Praise of Life

In Praise of Life by Dr. Donald DeMarco This book illustrates how ten different factors can improve our appreciation of life: Evolution prepares it, Meaning justifies it, Love enhances it, Truth directs it, Freedom crowns it, Virtue strengthens it, Sexuality promotes...

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The Jesus Code: In the Beginning was the Word

The Jesus Code: In the Beginning was the Word

The Jesus Code: In the Beginning was the Word by Roger Skrenes Jesus is the only person in the history of the world whose biography was known before he was born! He wanted everyone on earth to know of this miraculous Old Testament portrait of himself (Luke 24:27), and...

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The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation

The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation

The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation by Dr. Ronda Chervin A reprint of Dr. Ronda's The Way of Love: The Battle for Inner Transformation, this new edition under a new subtitle puts back in front of the world the nature of human love alongside human passion...

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The Human Person: A Bioethical Word

The Human Person: A Bioethical Word

The Human Person: A Bioethical Word by Francis Etheredge Is bioethics a technical specialization or a profound expression of human being? Wonderfully answering this question, the book is beautifully enriched by eight Forewords. Beginning again and again, Etheredge...

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History of the Eucharist

History of the Eucharist

History of the Eucharist by Roger Skrenes The Eucharist is not a topic of the moment. Like any good teacher, God took “his time” in revealing the Eucharist slowly, step by step, throughout Biblical history. In this history there are two main tracks: 1) the history of...

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Political Science from a Catholic Perspective

Political Science from a Catholic Perspective

Political Science from a Catholic Perspective by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA Today, many specializations within the field of political science identify it particularly as a social science, and these are namely political theory, government and politics, comparative...

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Catholic Church History: Pre-Christian to Modern Times

Catholic Church History: Pre-Christian to Modern Times

Catholic Church History: Pre-Christian to Modern Times by Fr. Peter Samuel Kucer, MSA Catholic Church History: Pre-Christian to Modern Times presents how the Catholic Church developed from her earliest days up to modern times. The reader will encounter the mystical...

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The First Christians: Keeping the Faith in Times of Trouble

The First Christians: Keeping the Faith in Times of Trouble

The First Christians: Keeping the Faith in Times of Trouble by Gerard Verschuuren In this book, we speak about these first Christians mainly through the people who gave them a voice and a compass: the Church Fathers. They were their leaders and their teachers, heirs...

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