Bible-Based Catholicism and Spiritual Inspirations by Robert J. Ferretti

Bible-Based Catholicism and Spiritual Inspirations by Robert J. Ferretti

Bible-Based Catholicism and Spiritual Inspirations

by Robert J. Ferretti, M.D.

This book outlines a Catholic perspective on faith, deeply rooted in biblical references and theological reasoning. Dr. Ferretti aims to deepen Catholics’ understanding of their faith while providing non-Catholics and non-believers with insights into the principles of Catholicism. Drawing on personal experiences and insights from readings about the lives and revelations of Catholic saints, Dr. Ferretti advocates for embracing sacrifice and detachment from materialism as pathways to spiritual growth. The work invites readers to reflect on faith’s scriptural foundations, aiming to foster a deeper commitment to living a Christ-centered life in accordance with Catholic teachings.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99




Dr. Robert J. Ferretti holds an Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) in Plant Biology from the State University of New York, and a Bachelor of Science Degree (B.S.) from Cornell University, with dual majors in Food Science and Cellular Biology. He continued his education obtaining a Master of Science (M.S.) degree from Cornell University, with a major in Nutrition with a minor in Biochemistry. He then attended New York Medical College, in Valhalla New York, and he was awarded his M.D. degree. His internship was in Internal Medicine at the University of Massachusetts affiliated hospital of the Berkshire Medical Center. He then worked full time in primary care and urgent care medicine for three years. He subsequently entered a diagnostic radiology program at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, in New Hyde Park New York, and achieved board certification.  Afterwards, he entered a fellowship program in Neuroradiology at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He then worked as a general Diagnostic Radiologist with a specialty in Neuroradiology for fourteen years. Following that, he worked for six and a half years as an Addiction Medicine Specialist and obtained board certification in 2015.

In addition to this background in fields of biology and human medicine, he has also spent many years working as a volunteer sidewalk counselor outside several of the New York abortion centers, beginning in 1999. He also has read many books on the spiritual lives and miracles of several Catholic saints and mystics, and the many revelations that God gave to them. These experiences were in addition to developing a deeper daily prayer life with praying the daily rosary for the past six years. His part time outreach work was extended to helping the homeless population with assisting in providing meals and on the spot counseling beginning in 2023. More recently he has devoted time visiting patients in a rehabilitative nursing facility, while assisting a Eucharistic Minister in bringing the Holy Eucharist to the Catholic patients. His future plans are to begin a lecture series on the topics contained in this book.



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La disciplina spirituale: Meditazioni sull’insegnamento di Frithjof Schuon por James S. Cutsinger e tradotto da Marco Toti

La disciplina spirituale: Meditazioni sull’insegnamento di Frithjof Schuon por James S. Cutsinger e tradotto da Marco Toti

La disciplina spirituale: Meditazioni sull’insegnamento di Frithjof Schuon

Scritto da James S. Cutsinger e tradotto da Marco Toti

Si tratta di un’introduzione alla scuola perennialista della filosofia religiosa comparata e di una guida per il lettore generale che cerca risposte intellettualmente serie ma accessibili alle domande sulla vita spirituale.

Due libri in uno, La disciplina spirituale è un’introduzione per gli studiosi alla scuola perennialista della filosofia religiosa comparata e allo stesso tempo una guida per il lettore generale che cerca risposte intellettualmente serie ma accessibili alle domande sulla vita spirituale.

Gli studiosi troveranno un’introduzione completa all’opera di Frithjof Schuon, la principale figura contemporanea della scuola perennialista o tradizionalista della religione comparata. Scritto da James S. Cutsinger, una delle massime autorità accademiche della filosofia perenne, il libro fornisce un commento dettagliato sull’intera gamma degli scritti spirituali di Schuon.

Ma il libro si rivolge anche ai lettori curiosi e alla ricerca in generale. Composto in uno stile semplice e colloquiale, si presenta come una lettera aperta agli studenti dell’autore. L’obiettivo è quello di tagliare con la banalità di molti insegnamenti spirituali odierni e di fornire risposte intellettualmente serie ma accessibili a domande tipicamente poste da cinici e scettici, credenti conservatori e persone attratte dalle cosiddette religioni “new age”.

I consigli dell’autore assumono la forma di una serie di meditazioni su Verità, Virtù, Bellezza e Preghiera, che Schuon considera gli elementi fondamentali di ogni autentico cammino spirituale. I temi affrontati, sia teorici che pratici, comprendono le prove di Dio, il problema del male, le virtù classiche, la predestinazione e la libertà, il simbolismo e la gerarchia cosmica, l’arte sacra, il rapporto tra metodo spirituale e grazia, le tecniche di concentrazione e meditazione, il ruolo del maestro spirituale e il destino umano. Il libro si conclude con un epilogo sulla nota tesi di Schuon sull’“unità trascendente delle religioni”.

In brossura: $24.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“Una magnifica introduzione al più grande pensatore religioso del nostro secolo”. — Huston Smith, autore di “ Le religioni del mondo”.

“Questo libro sarà ricordato con gratitudine dai migliori lettori come una chiave d’oro che spalanca le porte della fuga dalle tensioni interiori e dalla confusione mentale”. — Martin Lings, già custode dei manoscritti orientali del British Museum.


James Sherman Cutsinger (4 maggio 1953 – 19 febbraio 2020) è stato autore, editore e professore emerito di studi religiosi presso l’Università della Carolina del Sud, le cui opere si sono concentrate principalmente sulla religione comparata, sulla moderna scuola tradizionalista della filosofia perenne, sulla spiritualità cristiana orientale e sulla tradizione mistica della Chiesa ortodossa orientale.


Marco Toti, nato a Roma nel 1976, è dottore di ricerca in “Tradizioni e Istituzioni Religiose di Ambiente Circum-mediterraneo”; è stato borsista “Fulbright” e presso l’Accademia dei Lincei; è stato giudicato idoneo come professore universitario di seconda fascia di “Storia delle Religioni” (abilitazione nazionale, 2013). Ha pubblicato vari lavori concernenti argomenti di mistica e religioni comparate, con particolare attenzione al metodo di orazione esicasta ed all’iconografia cristiano-orientale, oltre che alcune questioni inerenti al “lessico dell’ascesi” in epoca tardo-antica, agli anni ’60 in prospettiva storico-teoretica e storico-intellettuale (Concilio Vaticano II, “tradizionalismo”, “nuovi movimenti religiosi”), alla storiografia storico-religiosa (“ermeneutica” e “scuola di Roma”), agli Indiani d’America. Ha studiato, effettuato ricerche e tenuto conferenze e seminari presso varie università ed istituti europei e statunitensi; ha vissuto e viaggiato, tra l’altro, in Francia, USA, Grecia, Marocco e nel Sudest asiatico; ha scritto decine di articoli di alta divulgazione ed in ambito pubblicistico (costume, politica, Chiesa, letteratura, attualità, storia “occulta”). Ultimamente, oltre ad insegnare in istituti superiori, si sta occupando di prospettive “metapolitiche” e – nell’ambito di un più ampio discorso relativo al legame tra lessico mistico e storia culturale – dei temi della memoria, della tradizione e della malinconia come “stimmung” di Occidente.


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Quotable Saints

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A Guide to the Liturgy of Holy Week by Rev. Nicholas L. Gregoris

A Guide to the Liturgy of Holy Week by Rev. Nicholas L. Gregoris

A Guide to the Liturgy of Holy Week

by Rev. Nicholas L. Gregoris, STD, EdD

Rev. Nicholas L. Gregoris provides in this short volume four categories of reflection (anecdotal, historical, doctrinal, and devotional) on the Liturgy of Holy Week.

Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99 | Bulk orders – order a stack of 100 for only $10 each with free shipping (Total: $1,000)


“A wonderful paradigm through which readers can learn liturgical theology with helpful ease, practical application, and an obvious invitation to grow spiritually.” – from the Foreword by Rev. Michael W. Davis, KCHS


The Reverend Nicholas L. Gregoris (1972-2024) was a member of Priestly Society of Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman who held theological degrees from the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical Faculty Marianum, both in Rome, as well as a doctorate in Catholic school administration from Pontifex University. He served as the managing editor of The Catholic Response magazine.
Fr Nicholas was the major translator of The Mission of Catholic Schools: A Century of Reflection and Direction, a perfect resource for curriculum development, Catholic identity assessment, professional development seminars and the creation of mission statements. This anthology originated from the repeated wish of “practitioners” to have a handy collection of ecclesiastical documents on Catholic schools. Under that rubric, included are papal teachings, as well as texts from the Second Vatican Council, the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Code of Canon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Although the Church has been engaged in the education apostolate from her earliest days, it was deemed necessary to take on a reasonable focus—a century of reflection seemed to fit the bill, beginning with the pontificate of Benedict XV and ending with that of Francis.



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Today Someone I Love Passed Away

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The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation

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Minding Mom: A Caregiver’s Devotional Story by Lisa Livezey

Minding Mom: A Caregiver’s Devotional Story by Lisa Livezey

Minding Mom: A Caregiver’s Devotional Story

by Lisa Livezey

Devotional writer Lisa Livezey understands the challenges of full-time caregiving atop an already-full life. Following her father’s sudden death, Lisa was plunged headlong into caring for her mother who was battling Alzheimer’s. With wisdom and candor, Lisa pairs every day and extraordinary caregiving moments with scriptures, prayers, and reflections. Caregivers will:

  • Feel recognized and valued
  • Laugh amidst the craziness
  • Experience God in the day-to-day
Hardback: $19.95 | Paperback $14.95 | $9.99 Kindle


 “I loved every page. I find it helped me to reflect on my last few months with Tony in a different way. Lisa’s thoughtful treatment of each situation encourages me to live in the moment more recognizing that every experience comes with eternal significance if we take the time to notice.” Cathy Witczak, Worldwide Marriage Encounter International Leader 2009-2014

“Through scripture and thought-provoking questions, Lisa has given us a guide to reflect on God’s goodness in our most difficult, heart wrenching circumstances. Her devotional is a gift to caregivers, family members and anyone seeking solace as they give of themselves to serve another.” – Janet Lozano, Co-Founder, Heart of the Father Ministries

“This is a heart-warming, gut-wrenching (in a good way), true life story that would touch all people. Caregivers can especially relate but death touches us all so everyone could benefit by reading this book. It isn’t a one-time read either – definitely something that will be referred to often and a “go-to” in trying times for comfort.” – Ave G., who retired early to care for her mother at home

“I love the blending of scripture, reflection, and real-life observations. Lisa’s very personal and insightful view sets Minding Mom apart from other books in this genre. I highly recommend that anyone who wants to contemplate life, where they’re going, and where they’ve been, not just read this book but sit with it and let it become absorbed into their system. They will be the richer for it.” – Ben Bongers, KM, Gerontologist, author, and contributor to eldercare textbooks


Lisa Livezey is a faith-filled devotional writer, essayist and blogger from the Philly suburbs. She contributes to Guideposts publications, publishes weekly photo devotions, and serves on the executive team at Heart of the Father Ministries. On summer weekends, Lisa sometimes can be spotted sailing the Chesapeake Bay alongside her husband. Visit Lisa online at


St. Robert Bellarmine

St. Robert Bellarmine

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Today Someone I Love Passed Away

Today Someone I Love Passed Away

Today Someone I Love Passed Away by Dianne Ahern Danny becomes enraged when he learns he has to give up his room so Grandpa Vernon can come live with his family. However, as time passes, Danny and his siblings develop a deep love for their grandfather who teaches them...

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Today We Became Engaged

Today We Became Engaged

Today We Became Engaged by Dianne Ahern A thoughtful, romantic, faith-centered, keepsake book for couples discerning marriage. Discusses the power of love, the importance of shared values and more. This is a marriage planner…not a wedding planner! Allows couples to...

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Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Marrying the Rosary to the Divine Mercy Chaplet by Shane Kapler Discover the rewards of uniting two of the Catholic Church’s most beloved devotions. In this new book, Shane Kapler provides 20 reflections - paired with 40 classic works of art - demonstrating the riches...

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Waiting with Purpose

Waiting with Purpose

Waiting with Purpose: Persevering When God Says 'Not Yet' by Jeannie Ewing All of life involves waiting. We wait at stoplights. We are caught in traffic jams. We agonize over medical test results. We hang on to a much-anticipated getaway. Sometimes, we wait to finish...

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Cry Oneness by Joe Avalos

Cry Oneness by Joe Avalos

Cry Oneness by Joe Avalos I was spiritually dead, despite all the things I was doing with my life. I don’t think there’s a worse death that can happen to any human being. Now I have a Life beyond my dreams. Full of Miracles, Poetry, and Locutions. This book...

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Escaping Anxiety: Along the Road to Spiritual Joy

Escaping Anxiety: Along the Road to Spiritual Joy

Escaping Anxiety: Along the Road to Spiritual Joy by Albert E. Hughes and Ronda Chervin Escaping Anxiety: Along the Road to Spiritual Joy is not a “simple” book of advice, which could turn out to be ineffective because too “pat.” Instead it evolved into something that...

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Weeping with Jesus: The Journey from Grief to Hope

Weeping with Jesus: The Journey from Grief to Hope

Weeping with Jesus: The Journey from Grief to Hope by Dr. Ronda Chervin In the past the word grief was used only to describe the sorrow of loss through death. Nowadays pain coming from other kinds of losses such as rejection and divorce are also seen to involve...

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In Praise of Life

In Praise of Life

In Praise of Life by Dr. Donald DeMarco This book illustrates how ten different factors can improve our appreciation of life: Evolution prepares it, Meaning justifies it, Love enhances it, Truth directs it, Freedom crowns it, Virtue strengthens it, Sexuality promotes...

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The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation

The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation

The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation by Dr. Ronda Chervin A reprint of Dr. Ronda's The Way of Love: The Battle for Inner Transformation, this new edition under a new subtitle puts back in front of the world the nature of human love alongside human passion...

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My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You by Edward Schallert

My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You by Edward Schallert

My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You

By Edward Schallert

My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You by Edward Schallert is a reflective exploration inspired by St. Augustine’s Confessions. Schallert, a retired professor and Cursillo participant, revisits the spiritual journey of Augustine, aligning his personal struggles with Augustine’s reflections. Central to the book is the interplay between faith, reason, and the human inclination toward idolatry.

Schallert discusses themes like idolatry of intellect, materialism, and worldly pursuits, using Augustine’s experiences as a framework. He highlights how Augustine’s journey—marked by intellectual pride, lust, and misplaced devotion—parallels contemporary struggles. Drawing on Augustine’s insights, Schallert emphasizes the transformative power of grace and the necessity of reconciling faith with reason to attain spiritual growth.

The author shares his own moments of spiritual transformation, particularly through the Cursillo experience, which reignited his engagement with Augustine’s work. Schallert underscores the importance of surrendering to God’s will, recognizing that true happiness lies in aligning oneself with divine purpose rather than worldly attachments.

Using Augustine’s meditations, Schallert offers daily reflections, encouraging readers to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, contemplation, and the embrace of grace. This book serves as both a personal testimony and a guide for others seeking spiritual renewal, emphasizing that human restlessness finds peace only in God.

Paperback: $14.95 | Kindle: $9.99





Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, Edward Schallert retired from teaching philosophy after 30 years. He and his wife moved to Blue Springs, MO, for two very formative years. After renewing and deepening their faith, they moved back to St. Louis to be closer to family.


Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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The Mercy Ocean

The Mercy Ocean

All profits go to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.)The Mercy Ocean by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. Simply described as a collection of information, which perhaps will be USEFUL TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS! Father Vincent’s book of meditative reflections...

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Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories of the Dominican Community of Mary Mother of Dominic and Friends of Cedaredge Ed. by Mrs. Helen R. Hawkins, OP This is a book that invites us to share our miracles with one another. Why does God use or allow miracles? First, a miracle is an...

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The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers Authored by Allison Lunsford and Illustrated by Joan Bennett Saint Acacius, Saint Barbara, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Christopher, Saint Cyriacus, Saint Denis, Saint Erasmus, Saint Eustace, Saint George, Saint Giles,...

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Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit: Into the Consciousness of Christ by Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R. Following Jesus means being open to and led by his Spirit. This book explores the meaning of this phrase by looking at the larger picture of why God entered our world and became one of us...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies

Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies

Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies by Robin Arthur In this thoughtful reflection, Robin Arthur presents his perspectives on the God experience, addressing the conundrum of faith in Christ crucified, which St. Paul has told us is "a stumbling block to Jews and...

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Fuera de las Tinieblas… por Mary Kloska

Fuera de las Tinieblas… por Mary Kloska

Fuera de las Tinieblas por Mary Kloska Aquí, al principio de este libro, no quiero explicar mucho sobre mí (quien soy, o dónde vivo, o dónde estudié), en su lugar, me gustaría simplemente presentarlo como es: una colección de tesoros que Jesús ha compartido con mi...

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Z ciemności…

Z ciemności…

Z Ciemności... Mary Kloska (tłumaczenie: Agata Wesołowska) Ta książka to kolekcja skarbów, których Pan Jezus zechciał udzielić sercu autorki ‒ Mary Kloska. Dzieląc swoje refleksje z czytelnikiem, pragnie ona jak najlepiej zaświadczyć o wielkiej mocy, jaką zawiera w...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy In this book, Catholic philosopher Raymond Dennehy demonstrates to the reader that besides being a powerful source of God's grace and, as Father Garrigou-Lagrange observed, "a school of contemplation," the Rosary...

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In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

Mary Kloska speaks to a 'Seven Sisters' Group about her book In Our Lady's Shadow (May 21, 2021)In Our Lady's Shadow: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests by Mary Kloska In Our Lady’s Shadow–the Spirituality of Praying for Priests is a guide for women, taking them...

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Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Private Chapel Picture someone like a popein prayer, a tiny chapel.Altar servers murmur latin robes raised in personal praise.We did that in choir school.We recited the responses didn’t know what they meantbut could participate at the feetof the meditative...

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33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days . . . with Saint Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia This book is a resource for meditative prayer based on excerpts taken from the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde of Pope Francis (December 8, 2020). It is a prayerful journey into the attitudes and sentiments of St....

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska This work is a collection of treasures Jesus has shared with Mary Kloska's heart. In offering this to the reader, Mary hopes to witness to the great power Jesus’ Cross contains in itself.  Her heart cringes at the thought of her...

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Our House of the Sacred Heart

Our House of the Sacred Heart

When you join, you’ll get: for each day of the Consecration: a daily reflection sent to your inbox. You will be guided in beautiful prayer, contemplation or story, great works of Catholic art, and reflection for that day. Each day will prepare your own heart for...

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Always a New Beginning!

Always a New Beginning!

Always a New Beginning! A Conversation between Broken Catholic Spiritual Warriors By Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., and David E. Dowd RONDA: Life is a broken field of dreams for some of us. Loved ones, experience, accidents, illness, old age... each inflicting pain and...

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Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey

Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey

Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey The spiritual life has often been presented in terms of a journey because it is all about finding our way to God. For Christians, the spiritual journey has to do with following Christ into the mystery of the...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel

Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel

"Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Simon Stock, Angelus of Jerusalem, Maria Maddalena de’Pazzi, Teresa da Avila." Italian painter and architect Pietro Novelli (1603-1647), dated 1641.Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel by the Association of St. Teresa EVERY...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Simple Holiness, authored by Al Hughes and Ronda Chervin

Simple Holiness, authored by Al Hughes and Ronda Chervin

Simple Holiness by Albert E. Hughes and Ronda Chervin We all are called to holiness, but we may not know what holiness means or how to approach it. Do you really desire to climb the ladder of holiness? Do you seek a life of spiritual joy in union with God, no matter...

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Today I Made My First Reconciliation

Today I Made My First Reconciliation

Today I Made My First Reconciliationby Dianne AhernWonderfully instructional book!Best friends Maria and Riley accidentally break a window then lie to their parents. Their growing discomfort coincides with encounters with their parish priests and teachers and lessons...

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Today I Made My First Communion

Today I Made My First Communion

Today I Made My First Communionby Dianne AhernA favorite gift for First Communion!Join Maria and Riley and their classmates as they offer to help Father Hugo solve the Mystery of the Eucharist. Learn about the Church, the Mass, music and prayer. “Look in the Back of...

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Today I Was Baptized

Today I Was Baptized

Today I Was Baptized by Dianne Ahern All time best seller! Begins with a children’s story about a baby’s baptism day-told from the baby’s perspective! Includes short essays that explain the sacrament of Baptism. The book becomes a keepsake for this very special day...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging

Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging

Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging by Dr. Ronda Chervin Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging is a refreshing and inspiring look at a period of your life ‘en route to eternity’ where Jesus awaits you in a new way. A perfect gift also for...

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Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John

Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John

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Holding Hands with God

Holding Hands with God

Holding Hands with God Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Miscarriage, depression, breast cancer, abuse, divorce, addiction, and other specific personal, chronic problems touch the lives of many Catholic women. While expert advice is plentiful, what so many women...

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Quotable Saints

Quotable Saints

Quotable Saints Ed. Dr. Ronda Chervin These memorable quotes of the saints and hundreds more are uniquely organized by theme in this uplifting treasury. In each chapter, you follow a particular theme and journey with the saints as they provide just the right word of...

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Seasons of the Soul: An Intimate God in Liturgical Time by Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, OP

Seasons of the Soul: An Intimate God in Liturgical Time by Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, OP

Seasons of the Soul: An Intimate God in Liturgical Time

By Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, OP

The seasons of the soul are the seasons of the liturgical calendar. The liturgy is about a relationship, and Sr. Carla Mae’s gorgeous images, poetry and prose describe how the liturgy is a means of deepening our relationship with God communally. The material comes highly recommended by RCIA coordinators as a perfect introduction to how the liturgy is the place where a loving God invites us — individually and as a body — into an ever more intimate experience of the Trinitarian relationship.
Paperback: $12.95 | Kindle: $9.99



“This series of nourishing meditations on the liturgical seasons is written by an excellent theologian. In addition to the Introduction, which is simply flabbergasting, readers will be taken by the bodily, indeed the womanly character of her spirituality, her associating the whole cosmos with the Incarnation, and her adroit, poetic play with symbols. A profound, short book, which deserves to be read more than once.” Louis Roy, O.P., formerly Professor of Theology at Boston College, now teaching at the Dominican University College in Ottawa
Seasons of the Soul is a required text in the Lay Spiritual Formation Program at Aquinas Institute of Theology. With inspiring images and metaphors, Sr. Carla Mae invites the formation students to explore a deeper relationship with God and the Church through the lens of the liturgical cycle. Grounded in reality and the stuff of life, Seasons of the Soul finds a resonance with the life and spirituality of the lay minister.” Marian Love, MAPS, Director, Lay Spiritual Formation Program, Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, MO
“I recommend Seasons of the Soul to all who wish to enter more deeply into the spirituality of the liturgical seasons. The reflections, meditative questions, and poetry of Sr. Carla Mae present a sacred doorway through which insights into our humanity, our discipleship, and our relationship with Christ can be explored and which go beyond the interesting facts and rituals of the seasons into their life-giving meaning.” Joseph Milner, Director of Christian Initiation for the Archdiocese of St. Louis
“Rooted in the rhythms of the liturgy, this volume offers a rich resource for prayer and reflection in every season of life.” Mary Catherine Hilkert, O.P., Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame


Sr. Carla Mae Streeter, O.P., Th.D., is presently Professor Emerita of Systematic Theology and Spirituality at Aquinas Institute of Theology. A Dominican sister, she completed doctoral studies with the Canadian Jesuits at Regis College at the University of Toronto School of Theology in 1986. She was co-recipient of the first Jean-Marc Laporte Scholarship Award for academic excellence, and the first woman to complete a theological doctorate at Regis College. She is the author of Foundations of Spirituality: The Human and the Holy and Religious Love in Bernard Lonergan as Hermeneutical and Transcultural. She serves on the Board of the Interfaith Partnership of Metropolitan St. Louis and the Board of the Institute for the Theological Encounter with Science and Technology.


Chosen One

Chosen One

Portion of the proceeds will support the Corpus Christi Hope House. Chosen One: From Homeless Infant to Priest at Home in My Heavenly Father's Heart by Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT This is a story of the life of Fr. Bob Shaldone, SOLT, whose earthly mother gave him up for...

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The Mercy Ocean

The Mercy Ocean

All profits go to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.)The Mercy Ocean by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. Simply described as a collection of information, which perhaps will be USEFUL TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS! Father Vincent’s book of meditative reflections...

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Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories of the Dominican Community of Mary Mother of Dominic and Friends of Cedaredge Ed. by Mrs. Helen R. Hawkins, OP This is a book that invites us to share our miracles with one another. Why does God use or allow miracles? First, a miracle is an...

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The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers Authored by Allison Lunsford and Illustrated by Joan Bennett Saint Acacius, Saint Barbara, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Christopher, Saint Cyriacus, Saint Denis, Saint Erasmus, Saint Eustace, Saint George, Saint Giles,...

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Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit: Into the Consciousness of Christ by Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R. Following Jesus means being open to and led by his Spirit. This book explores the meaning of this phrase by looking at the larger picture of why God entered our world and became one of us...

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Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!

Stepping Up!: How Christ Turned My Pain & Suffering into Hope & Joy by Caitie Crowley WHERE IS GOD IN THE MIDST OF SUFFERING? Caitie Crowley was in a traumatic car accident on her way home from work and almost lost her life. She couldn't walk for 10 months....

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Ennobling Encounters

Ennobling Encounters

Congratulations to Dick Bishirjian for being a finalist in the American Best Book Awards (2022)!Ennobling Encounters by Dr. Richard Bishirjian In this memoir, Dick Bishirjian tells of how his life has been enriched by the many noble persons he has met over the course...

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Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies

Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies

Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies by Robin Arthur In this thoughtful reflection, Robin Arthur presents his perspectives on the God experience, addressing the conundrum of faith in Christ crucified, which St. Paul has told us is "a stumbling block to Jews and...

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Fuera de las Tinieblas… por Mary Kloska

Fuera de las Tinieblas… por Mary Kloska

Fuera de las Tinieblas por Mary Kloska Aquí, al principio de este libro, no quiero explicar mucho sobre mí (quien soy, o dónde vivo, o dónde estudié), en su lugar, me gustaría simplemente presentarlo como es: una colección de tesoros que Jesús ha compartido con mi...

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Z ciemności…

Z ciemności…

Z Ciemności... Mary Kloska (tłumaczenie: Agata Wesołowska) Ta książka to kolekcja skarbów, których Pan Jezus zechciał udzielić sercu autorki ‒ Mary Kloska. Dzieląc swoje refleksje z czytelnikiem, pragnie ona jak najlepiej zaświadczyć o wielkiej mocy, jaką zawiera w...

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Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness by Cynthia Toolin-Wilson

To see the full Summer 2023 issue of Human Life Review in which this review appeared, please click here.To see the full Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Four County Catholic in which this article by Deacon Ben Locasto appeared, please click here.Survivor: A Memoir of Forgiveness...

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A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy In this book, Catholic philosopher Raymond Dennehy demonstrates to the reader that besides being a powerful source of God's grace and, as Father Garrigou-Lagrange observed, "a school of contemplation," the Rosary...

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In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

Mary Kloska speaks to a 'Seven Sisters' Group about her book In Our Lady's Shadow (May 21, 2021)In Our Lady's Shadow: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests by Mary Kloska In Our Lady’s Shadow–the Spirituality of Praying for Priests is a guide for women, taking them...

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Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Private Chapel Picture someone like a popein prayer, a tiny chapel.Altar servers murmur latin robes raised in personal praise.We did that in choir school.We recited the responses didn’t know what they meantbut could participate at the feetof the meditative...

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33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days . . . with Saint Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia This book is a resource for meditative prayer based on excerpts taken from the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde of Pope Francis (December 8, 2020). It is a prayerful journey into the attitudes and sentiments of St....

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Providential by Steve Mamanella

Providential by Steve Mamanella

What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan?   What is God’s will for our lives? And how does our own free will intersect with God’s plan? In Providential, an autobiographical exploration of the gift of God's Providence,...

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Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska This work is a collection of treasures Jesus has shared with Mary Kloska's heart. In offering this to the reader, Mary hopes to witness to the great power Jesus’ Cross contains in itself.  Her heart cringes at the thought of her...

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Our House of the Sacred Heart

Our House of the Sacred Heart

When you join, you’ll get: for each day of the Consecration: a daily reflection sent to your inbox. You will be guided in beautiful prayer, contemplation or story, great works of Catholic art, and reflection for that day. Each day will prepare your own heart for...

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Always a New Beginning!

Always a New Beginning!

Always a New Beginning! A Conversation between Broken Catholic Spiritual Warriors By Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., and David E. Dowd RONDA: Life is a broken field of dreams for some of us. Loved ones, experience, accidents, illness, old age... each inflicting pain and...

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Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey

Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey

Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey The spiritual life has often been presented in terms of a journey because it is all about finding our way to God. For Christians, the spiritual journey has to do with following Christ into the mystery of the...

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東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟

This is the TRADITIONAL VERSION. (点此进入):东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 [Click Here for Simplified Chinese] 本頁面提供了這本書的詳盡內容介紹。 若您希望直接購買,請點選以下連結: #1. 點此訂購 (電子書)#2. 點此訂購 (平裝書)請使用有語言轉換功能的瀏覽器,自動將英文譯為中文瀏覽所有東尼的書+免費項目,點此進入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Traditional Chinese) 東尼的50,000個...

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东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

东尼的50,000个 巧合神迹 – 安东尼.嘉锡雅(Anthony F. J. Coscia)著

(This is the SIMPLIFIED VERSION)  (點此進入):東尼的50,000個 巧合神蹟 [Click here for Traditional Chinese] 本页面提供了这本书的详尽内容介绍。 若您希望直接购买,请点选以下连结: #1. 点此订购 (电子书) #2. 点此订购 (平装书)请使用有语言转换功能的浏览器,自动将英文译为中文浏览所有东尼的书+免费项目,点此进入Tony's 50,000 Co-Incidence Miracles (Simplified Chinese) 东尼的50,000个...

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Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel

Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel

"Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Simon Stock, Angelus of Jerusalem, Maria Maddalena de’Pazzi, Teresa da Avila." Italian painter and architect Pietro Novelli (1603-1647), dated 1641.Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel by the Association of St. Teresa EVERY...

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Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Tony’s 50,000 Coincidence Miracles, Book 2

Just Page Down for our book in English,  or Click on the links below for Translated Versions. And if you just want to order the book from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you can page down to the bottom of this web page (to item number 10) to order your book. FREE ITEMS …...

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Simple Holiness, authored by Al Hughes and Ronda Chervin

Simple Holiness, authored by Al Hughes and Ronda Chervin

Simple Holiness by Albert E. Hughes and Ronda Chervin We all are called to holiness, but we may not know what holiness means or how to approach it. Do you really desire to climb the ladder of holiness? Do you seek a life of spiritual joy in union with God, no matter...

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Today I Made My First Reconciliation

Today I Made My First Reconciliation

Today I Made My First Reconciliationby Dianne AhernWonderfully instructional book!Best friends Maria and Riley accidentally break a window then lie to their parents. Their growing discomfort coincides with encounters with their parish priests and teachers and lessons...

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Today I Made My First Communion

Today I Made My First Communion

Today I Made My First Communionby Dianne AhernA favorite gift for First Communion!Join Maria and Riley and their classmates as they offer to help Father Hugo solve the Mystery of the Eucharist. Learn about the Church, the Mass, music and prayer. “Look in the Back of...

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Today I Was Baptized

Today I Was Baptized

Today I Was Baptized by Dianne Ahern All time best seller! Begins with a children’s story about a baby’s baptism day-told from the baby’s perspective! Includes short essays that explain the sacrament of Baptism. The book becomes a keepsake for this very special day...

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Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’

Holy Land Chronicle: A Journal of the ‘Fifth Gospel’ by Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA Fr. Jeffrey “Skip” Thompson, MSA, a Missionary of the Holy Apostles, has created an intellectually stimulating and visually delightful photo-documentary of his experiences in...

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The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary

The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary by Dr. Cynthia Toolin-Wilson and Prof. Robert Hubbard The Story of Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a yearbook of over sixty years of a Catholic seminary and college located in picturesque Cromwell, Connecticut. Dr....

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The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends

The Family on Pilgrimage: God Leads Through Dead Ends by Francis Etheredge Restless, bitter beyond hope, an unconscious pilgrim becomes conscious at forty that failing to find himself was the moment God awaited to give a sinner the gift of faith, transforming agonies...

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Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord

Becoming a Handmaid of the Lord From the journals of Ronda De Sola Chervin (written between 1977-1996), this autobiographical book explores a life of love and loss from a widow, mother, grandmother, professor of philosophy and theology, an international speaker and...

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The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives

The Fabric of Our Lives Assembled and Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Reading the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Ronda was moved by the ‘everywoman’ quality of that montage of memoirs of Chinese-American women. Years later, while patching together a quilt for her bed and...

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Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging

Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging

Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging by Dr. Ronda Chervin Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging is a refreshing and inspiring look at a period of your life ‘en route to eternity’ where Jesus awaits you in a new way. A perfect gift also for...

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Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John

Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John

Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John is about recovering who we are . . . our true selves. Simply put, the true self is the self that God wants us to be, what Kierkegaard called God’s prophesy for...

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Holding Hands with God

Holding Hands with God

Holding Hands with God Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Miscarriage, depression, breast cancer, abuse, divorce, addiction, and other specific personal, chronic problems touch the lives of many Catholic women. While expert advice is plentiful, what so many women...

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Quotable Saints

Quotable Saints

Quotable Saints Ed. Dr. Ronda Chervin These memorable quotes of the saints and hundreds more are uniquely organized by theme in this uplifting treasury. In each chapter, you follow a particular theme and journey with the saints as they provide just the right word of...

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