The Power of Humor by Fr. Eugene Azorji

The Power of Humor by Fr. Eugene Azorji

Parish Book SigningMarch 2025The Power of Humor by Fr. Eugene Azorji This book explores the profound role humor and metaphor play in communication, spirituality, and human relationships. Through biblical insights, cultural anecdotes, and theological reflections, the...

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How Saints Change by Kristina R. Olsen, Ph.D., OCDS

How Saints Change by Kristina R. Olsen, Ph.D., OCDS

How Saints Change Kristina R. Olsen, Ph.D., OCDS This book explores the transformative journeys of Christian saints, showing how their encounters with Jesus led to profound personal changes and inspired their lives of faith. Through stories of figures like Mary, St....

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A Catch by Vincent Salamoni

A Catch by Vincent Salamoni

All profits go to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.)A Catch by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. A collection of meditative reflections, like The Mercy Ocean, offering a spiritual journey into the depths of grace through the maritime imagery of the...

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My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You by Edward Schallert

My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You by Edward Schallert

My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You By Edward Schallert My Restless Heart Finds Rest in You by Edward Schallert is a reflective exploration inspired by St. Augustine’s Confessions. Schallert, a retired professor and Cursillo participant, revisits the spiritual journey...

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Church of Love by Ronda Chervin

Church of Love by Ronda Chervin

Church of Love By Ronda Chervin The first of Ronda Chervin's more than 80 Catholic books, Church of Love is still many readers' favorite. It is an extended metaphor of how romantic human love is a mirror of the love of Jesus for the Church.   Paperback: $12.95 |...

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Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle by Lynda Rozell

Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle by Lynda Rozell

Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle by Lynda Rozell with a foreword by George Weigel Return to Me: Visits to the Tabernacle discusses tabernacle images with reflections on their symbolism, encouraging devotion to Jesus in the tabernacle and drawing readers to...

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The Comic Catholic

The Comic Catholic

The Comic Catholic By Ronda Chervin In this witty, literary stand-up routine, Ronda Chervin takes a bow to a key property of the human person as understood in our philosophical anthropology, namely, that of risibility. It is a trademark of our humanity that we were...

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Imagine the Joy! Reveries on Divine Revelation

Imagine the Joy! Reveries on Divine Revelation

Imagine the Joy! Reveries on Divine Revelation by Freddie Stewart, Jr. Compelled by his rich evangelical experience of searching the Scriptures alongside Christian brethren seeking spiritual inspiration and practical wisdom, Freddie has sought to share his enthusiasm...

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The Voices We Hear Daily

The Voices We Hear Daily

Parish Book SigningMarch 2025The Voices We Hear Daily by Fr. Eugene Azorji The Voices We Hear Daily is written as a simple narrative reflection on the four voices we hear every day--namely the voice of God, the voice of the world, the voice of self, and the voice of...

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Lord, do you mean me? A father-Catechist?

Lord, do you mean me? A father-Catechist?

Lord, Do You Mean Me? A father-Catechist! by Francis Etheredge Reflecting on the reality of childhood, Francis Etheredge explores what is entailed in being a parent who wants to take up the vocation, as widely and as specifically as possible, of helping to found the...

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The Divinized Person

The Divinized Person

The Divinized Person by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Scripture tells us that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Gn 1:26). This book explores the meaning of this statement, describing each of us as a living, flesh-and-blood icon, a visible representation...

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Franciscanism: The Answer to Modernism

Franciscanism: The Answer to Modernism

Franciscanism: The Answer to Modernism By Bob Sizemore In a culture of death, St. Francis restores us to life. This book invites the reader into Franciscanism as the answer to Modernism.   Paperback $7.99 | Kindle $2.99  TESTIMONIALS "Imaginative, creative, inspiring...

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His Spoken Words

His Spoken Words

His Spoken Words by Richard Ruesch This book includes a complete compilation of the spoken words of our Lord Jesus Christ, which are contained in the verses of the New Testament, chronologically arranged from the time when His parents found Him in the temple, sitting...

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Из Тьмы… Мэри  Клоска

Из Тьмы… Мэри Клоска

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska Данная работа - собрание сокровищ, с которыми Иисус поделился с сердцем Мэри Клоска. Представляя эту книгу для читателя, Мэри надеется засвидетельствовать о Великой Силе, которая находится в Кресте Иисуса. Её сердце застывает при...

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Into the Heart of St. Joseph

Into the Heart of St. Joseph

Into the Heart of Saint Joseph by Jason Schreder Into the Heart of Saint Joseph immerses the reader through prayerful reflection, Scripture, and art, into Saint Joseph's interior life as the Husband of Mary and Zealous Defender of Christ. Saint Joseph is known to be a...

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The Eucharistic Revival Project – Missio Dei

The Eucharistic Revival Project – Missio Dei

The Eucharistic Revival Project Edited by Phillip Hadden & Jonathon Fessenden Foreword by Rev. Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R. The Eucharist Revival Project is Missio Dei’s response to Pope Francis’ call to rediscover "the real and loving presence of the Lord” in the...

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“That They May Have Life” (John 10:10): 35 Meditations

“That They May Have Life” (John 10:10): 35 Meditations

"That They May Have Life" (John 10:10): 35 Meditations by Fr. Julius D. Leloczky, O.Cist. This collection of meditations is a rich anthology of writings very much in the spirit and vein of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and of the ideas represented by...

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77 Soundbytes of Love

77 Soundbytes of Love

The Interactive Blog is not yet in working order. Please email Ronda directly if you have any thoughts. chervinronda@gmail.com77 Soundbytes of Love: The Philosophical Spirituality of Ronda Chervin By Ronda Chervin This book is an anthology of soundbytes -- 77 to be...

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Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process?

Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Process?

Talkaholics: Fate or Work-in-Progress By Ronda Chervin Why would I ever think I talk too much? Here are some tiny stories to show you why: “Ronda,” asked my spiritual director, “what would it be like if you joined a table (at the seminary where I was teaching and took...

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Purgatory in the Words of Jesus

Purgatory in the Words of Jesus

Purgatory in the Words of Jesus by Roger Skrenes In this book, Roger Skrenes explains how the teaching that only two possible realms exist after death, that of Heaven and Hell, as argued by many non-Catholic Christians, is not correct. Christ actually spoke of a third...

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The Sea Lord’s Bookshelf by Vincent Salamoni, M.S.A.

The Sea Lord’s Bookshelf by Vincent Salamoni, M.S.A.

All profits go to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.) LORD, HAVE MERCY: The big ocean and our little boat.The Sea Lord's Bookshelf by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. This book is a catalyst, of a beginning voyage. Here it is a short one, yet a long...

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For the Love of God: The Sacred Heart and the Divine Mercy

For the Love of God: The Sacred Heart and the Divine Mercy

For the Love of God: The Sacred Heart and the Divine Mercy Kristina R. Olsen The purpose of this book is to invite you into the Sacred Heart of Jesus to experience his love, and to introduce you to the Divine Mercy devotion to encounter God's limitless forgiveness. We...

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The Book of Love: Brief Meditations

The Book of Love: Brief Meditations

Cover design by Sophia ClementsWhen given the chance to submit cover designs, four out of five of Richard Clements' children submitted drawings. The one selected is from among those four submissions. The other three submissions are featured here above.The Book of...

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Devociones Diarias de LIFE Runners

Devociones Diarias de LIFE Runners

Devociones Diarias de LIFE Runners Editado por Dr. Patrick Castle and Bernadette Costello ¡DIOS primero, VIDA siempre, EQUIPO para siempre! Corredores de VIDA es el equipo Pro-Vida más grande del mundo, correr es opcional, se requiere camiseta y se necesita fe. Nos...

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Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom

Nuggets of Wisdom By Bob Sizemore with Ronda Chervin In this handy volume, Bob Sizemore and Ronda Chervin engage in a dialogue intended to deliver nuggets of life's wisdom, offering both specific and general insights on navigating one's way through this world and into...

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No Longer I: Sharing Christ’s Gospel Narrative

No Longer I: Sharing Christ’s Gospel Narrative

No Longer I: Sharing Christ's Gospel Narrative by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. Christ entered our world and gave himself completely to us to the point of dying for us, to become nourishment for us and a source of hope. In this book, Fr. Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R., demonstrates...

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The Blessings of the Beatitudes

The Blessings of the Beatitudes

The Blessings of the Beatitudes by Dennis Billy, C.Ss.R. This book is about the vision Jesus sets before his hearers of a world ruled by justice and love. The eight beatitudes provide hope to all who listen to and follow the call of the kingdom in their hearts....

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Jesus Christ: A Man of Prayer by Fr. Paul Ezinando

Jesus Christ: A Man of Prayer by Fr. Paul Ezinando

Jesus Christ: A Man of Prayer by Fr. Paul Ezinando In this work, Fr. Paul Ezinando demonstrates that though we have knowledge of Jesus Christ from various perspectives, we cannot know Him enough. To help us come to a better knowledge of Jesus Christ, Fr Ezinando...

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A Spiritual Plan for Families by Fr. Jacob Dankasa

A Spiritual Plan for Families by Fr. Jacob Dankasa

A Spiritual Plan for Families: Preparing your Home for a Life of Faith following the Examples of Saints who Raised Families by Fr. Jacob Dankasa Considering the challenges that many Christian families face today in building faith-based homes, it’s essential that every...

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Dear Mr Putin: An Epistolary Inquiry by Peter Breen

Dear Mr Putin: An Epistolary Inquiry by Peter Breen

Dear Mr Putin: An Epistolary Inquiry | Уважаемый господин Путин! by Peter Breen An epistolary exhortation in monthly installments to Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, that asks: "Are you sure about waging war and brandishing a cross against the woman who...

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Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can by James Pomeroy

Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can by James Pomeroy

Living as Long as I Can as Well as I Can by James Pomeroy This is a book that will be helpful to health care providers, including doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, chaplains, and their patients, because it offers a spiritual foundation for living well,...

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A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora

A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora

Mary Kloska speaks to a 'Seven Sisters' Group about her book In Our Lady's Shadow (May 21, 2021)A La Sombra de Nuestra Señora: La Espiritualidad de la Oración por los Sacerdotes by Mary Kloska A la Sombra de Nuestra Señora: ‘La Espiritualidad de Rezar por los...

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Voices from the Upper Room

Voices from the Upper Room

Voices from the Upper Room by Father Dominic Lenk, O.S.B. Just who were those people gathered together in the Upper Room during those three days between the crucifixion and the resurrection? Imagine with the author all those people gathered in the Upper Room during...

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The Holy Heart

The Holy Heart

The Holy Heart by Holly Garman “My Father will love you so deeply that We willcome to you and make you Our dwelling place.”~ Jesus (Jn. 14:32, TPT) The Scriptural truths of The Holy Heart help us to let God become fully at home in us, as we become fully at home in...

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The Mercy Ocean

The Mercy Ocean

All profits go to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (M.S.A.)The Mercy Ocean by Reverend Vincent A. Salamoni, M.S.A. Simply described as a collection of information, which perhaps will be USEFUL TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS! Father Vincent’s book of meditative reflections...

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Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories

Shared Miracle Stories of the Dominican Community of Mary Mother of Dominic and Friends of Cedaredge Ed. by Mrs. Helen R. Hawkins, OP This is a book that invites us to share our miracles with one another. Why does God use or allow miracles? First, a miracle is an...

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The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

The Fourteen Holy Helpers Authored by Allison Lunsford and Illustrated by Joan Bennett Saint Acacius, Saint Barbara, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Christopher, Saint Cyriacus, Saint Denis, Saint Erasmus, Saint Eustace, Saint George, Saint Giles,...

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Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit

Led by the Spirit: Into the Consciousness of Christ by Dennis J. Billy, C.Ss.R. Following Jesus means being open to and led by his Spirit. This book explores the meaning of this phrase by looking at the larger picture of why God entered our world and became one of us...

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Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies

Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies

Experiencing God: Thoughts and Testimonies by Robin Arthur In this thoughtful reflection, Robin Arthur presents his perspectives on the God experience, addressing the conundrum of faith in Christ crucified, which St. Paul has told us is "a stumbling block to Jews and...

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Fuera de las Tinieblas… por Mary Kloska

Fuera de las Tinieblas… por Mary Kloska

Fuera de las Tinieblas por Mary Kloska Aquí, al principio de este libro, no quiero explicar mucho sobre mí (quien soy, o dónde vivo, o dónde estudié), en su lugar, me gustaría simplemente presentarlo como es: una colección de tesoros que Jesús ha compartido con mi...

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Z ciemności…

Z ciemności…

Z Ciemności... Mary Kloska (tłumaczenie: Agata Wesołowska) Ta książka to kolekcja skarbów, których Pan Jezus zechciał udzielić sercu autorki ‒ Mary Kloska. Dzieląc swoje refleksje z czytelnikiem, pragnie ona jak najlepiej zaświadczyć o wielkiej mocy, jaką zawiera w...

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A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy

A Philosopher Reflects on the Rosary by Raymond Dennehy In this book, Catholic philosopher Raymond Dennehy demonstrates to the reader that besides being a powerful source of God's grace and, as Father Garrigou-Lagrange observed, "a school of contemplation," the Rosary...

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In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

In Our Lady’s Shadow, authored by Mary Kloska

Mary Kloska speaks to a 'Seven Sisters' Group about her book In Our Lady's Shadow (May 21, 2021)In Our Lady's Shadow: The Spirituality of Praying for Priests by Mary Kloska In Our Lady’s Shadow–the Spirituality of Praying for Priests is a guide for women, taking them...

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Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Table for Three by Larry Hopperton

Private Chapel Picture someone like a popein prayer, a tiny chapel.Altar servers murmur latin robes raised in personal praise.We did that in choir school.We recited the responses didn’t know what they meantbut could participate at the feetof the meditative...

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33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days … with St. Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia

33 Days . . . with Saint Joseph by Fr. Nicholas Cachia This book is a resource for meditative prayer based on excerpts taken from the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde of Pope Francis (December 8, 2020). It is a prayerful journey into the attitudes and sentiments of St....

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Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska

Out of the Darkness by Mary Kloska This work is a collection of treasures Jesus has shared with Mary Kloska's heart. In offering this to the reader, Mary hopes to witness to the great power Jesus’ Cross contains in itself.  Her heart cringes at the thought of her...

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Our House of the Sacred Heart

Our House of the Sacred Heart

When you join, you’ll get: for each day of the Consecration: a daily reflection sent to your inbox. You will be guided in beautiful prayer, contemplation or story, great works of Catholic art, and reflection for that day. Each day will prepare your own heart for...

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Always a New Beginning!

Always a New Beginning!

Always a New Beginning! A Conversation between Broken Catholic Spiritual Warriors By Ronda Chervin, Ph.D., and David E. Dowd RONDA: Life is a broken field of dreams for some of us. Loved ones, experience, accidents, illness, old age... each inflicting pain and...

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Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey

Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey

Returning Home: A Spirituality of the Christian Journey The spiritual life has often been presented in terms of a journey because it is all about finding our way to God. For Christians, the spiritual journey has to do with following Christ into the mystery of the...

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Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel

Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel

"Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Simon Stock, Angelus of Jerusalem, Maria Maddalena de’Pazzi, Teresa da Avila." Italian painter and architect Pietro Novelli (1603-1647), dated 1641.Light for the Journey: Reflections from Carmel by the Association of St. Teresa EVERY...

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Simple Holiness, authored by Al Hughes and Ronda Chervin

Simple Holiness, authored by Al Hughes and Ronda Chervin

Simple Holiness by Albert E. Hughes and Ronda Chervin We all are called to holiness, but we may not know what holiness means or how to approach it. Do you really desire to climb the ladder of holiness? Do you seek a life of spiritual joy in union with God, no matter...

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Today I Made My First Reconciliation

Today I Made My First Reconciliation

Today I Made My First Reconciliationby Dianne AhernWonderfully instructional book!Best friends Maria and Riley accidentally break a window then lie to their parents. Their growing discomfort coincides with encounters with their parish priests and teachers and lessons...

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Today I Made My First Communion

Today I Made My First Communion

Today I Made My First Communionby Dianne AhernA favorite gift for First Communion!Join Maria and Riley and their classmates as they offer to help Father Hugo solve the Mystery of the Eucharist. Learn about the Church, the Mass, music and prayer. “Look in the Back of...

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Today I Was Baptized

Today I Was Baptized

Today I Was Baptized by Dianne Ahern All time best seller! Begins with a children’s story about a baby’s baptism day-told from the baby’s perspective! Includes short essays that explain the sacrament of Baptism. The book becomes a keepsake for this very special day...

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Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging

Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging

Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging by Dr. Ronda Chervin Seeking Christ in the Crosses & Joys of Aging is a refreshing and inspiring look at a period of your life ‘en route to eternity’ where Jesus awaits you in a new way. A perfect gift also for...

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Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John

Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John

Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John Healing Meditations from the Gospel of St. John is about recovering who we are . . . our true selves. Simply put, the true self is the self that God wants us to be, what Kierkegaard called God’s prophesy for...

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Holding Hands with God

Holding Hands with God

Holding Hands with God Edited by Dr. Ronda Chervin Miscarriage, depression, breast cancer, abuse, divorce, addiction, and other specific personal, chronic problems touch the lives of many Catholic women. While expert advice is plentiful, what so many women...

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Quotable Saints

Quotable Saints

Quotable Saints Ed. Dr. Ronda Chervin These memorable quotes of the saints and hundreds more are uniquely organized by theme in this uplifting treasury. In each chapter, you follow a particular theme and journey with the saints as they provide just the right word of...

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